School Counseling M.A.


Graduate programs in school counseling have been designed for both certified teachers and non-certified professionals. Both program options have been developed according to new State of Illinois guidelines to meet the need for qualified counselors in school settings.

Program Objectives

The objectives are the same for both programs. The goals are to:

  • Provide a knowledge base in relevant areas of School Counseling theory and demonstrate the pragmatic application of those theories;
  • Develop students’ skills in techniques of counseling, interviewing and assessment;
  • Develop an understanding of the school counselor’s role in the organization and implementation of a comprehensive developmental counseling program.
  • Develop students’ understanding of the uniqueness of each individual, and demonstrate how the counselor must be flexible in dealing with the individual; and
  • Develop a professional identity and an understanding of ethics and ethical behavior.

Program Options

  1. Certified Teacher

    The School Counseling program is designed for teachers who want to become certified as elementary and secondary school counselors. The program integrates sound counseling theory and research- based practices and procedures to prepare candidates to work effectively in schools. This program is offered through the Psychology Department in conjunction with the College of Education. Students receive a Master of Arts in School Counseling which makes them eligible for the Type 73 School Counseling Specialist Certificate.

    To be eligible for the Type 73 Certificate, the student must hold a valid Type 03, 09, or 10 Illinois teaching certificate, complete 40 semester hours of approved class work, and pass the School Service Personnel Guidance examination. The Illinois Basic Skills test also must be passed prior to admission. Candidates may be asked to submit to or secure a criminal background check as part of the admission process. Goals for the program follow the American School Counselor’s Association recommendations.

  2. Certified Teacher-Professional Counselor

    This program is intended for students who have earned a bachelor’s degree and are teacher certified. These students will earn a Master of Arts in School Counseling. Students will take the coursework required to meet the requirements for the Type 73 Certificate and additional coursework allowing them to sit for the Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) examination. (The LPC enables the school counselor to provide services in mental health outside the school in community settings.)

  3. Non-Certified

    For individuals who are not already teachers, there are two options:

    • Option 1 - Alternative Program with a Master’s Degree

      This program is intended for those students who already hold a master’s degree in an area related to school counseling. Upon completion of this program, individuals can earn the Type 73 Certificate. This program does not provide students with an additional master’s degree. Due to the variety of educational backgrounds in which students enter the program, each person’s educational background will be considered on an individual basis by the Program Director. Not all master’s degrees are eligible for this program. Generally, alternative requirements will be met by additional coursework.

    • Option 2 - Alternative Program without a Master’s Degree

      This program is intended for students who have earned a bachelor’s degree and are not teacher certified. These students will earn a Master of Arts in School Counseling. In addition, they will take extra course work to meet the requirements for the Type 73 Certificate. additional

    • Option 3 - Alternative Program with a Master’s Degree: Professional Counselor 

      This program is intended for students who have earned a bachelor’s degree and are not teacher certified. These students will earn a Master of Arts in School Counseling. Students will take the coursework required to meet the requirements for the Type 73 Certificate and additional coursework allowing them to sit for the Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) examination. (The LPC enables the school counselor to provide services in mental health outside the school in community settings.)

Admission Standards

Admission to the graduate program in Psychology is based on academic and personal qualifications of the applicant. It is made without regard to race, color, religion, irrelevant handicap, age or gender.

There are three enrollment categories for students in the program: full admission, provisional admission, and student-at-large. All students must present evidence of a baccalaureate degree awarded by a regionally accredited institution of higher education and a completed application that includes a personal statement of professional goals. Because this program is directed toward adults, it is expected that personal maturity and experience are prime indicators of success in the program.

Full Admission

Applicants for full admission must:

  1. Complete an application form.
  2. Submit a personal statement in which the student provides a brief work/school history and reasons for seeking enrollment in the School Counseling program. This personal statement will serve as a writing skills sample.
  3. Submit two letters of recommendation from professors, employers or supervisors.
  4. Submit an official transcript of all academic work previously attempted or completed. An applicants coursework should equal a 3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA).
  5. Candidates must pass the Basic Skills test prior to admission to the program.
  6. Candidates may be asked to submit to or secure a criminal background check as part of the admission process.
  7. Must certify proficiency in reading and writing English if the student is from a non-English speaking country, by achieving a 550 on the TOEFL written exam; 213 on the computerized exam; 79 on the Internet-based exam; or IELTS score of 6.0. ELS level 112 completed. Step Eiken (Japan) Pre-1 is also accepted.
  8. Obtain acceptance by the Graduate Council of the College of Arts and Sciences.

Provisional Admission

In select cases, a student who does not meet the requirements for full admission may be granted provisional admission. Students may apply for full admission after resolving the admission deficiencies. The Illinois Basic Skills test also must be passed prior to admission. Candidates may be asked to submit to or secure a criminal background check as part of the admission process.

Student-At-Large status

A student-at-large is not a degree candidate. However, should a student decide to apply for full admission status at a later time, but within five years of course completion, only three courses (nine semester hours) will be accepted for credit. At-large students are allowed to take a maximum of three courses with permission of the Program Director.

Transfer Admission Procedures

Students may apply up to 12 semester hours of graduate-level work from other regionally accredited institutions to their program of school counseling. A transfer student will follow the admission criteria described above (full and provisional.) The following conditions apply to the acceptance of transfer credit.

  1. Only courses with a grade of B or better will be accepted.
  2. Coursework must have been completed at an accredited graduate school.
  3. Appropriateness of coursework will be decided by the graduate Program Director at the time of the student’s application to the program.
  4. Courses from outside the United States will be considered if they are evaluated as graduate level by the Commission of Accreditation of the American Council on Education.

Transfer of Credit after Matriculation

Students who are already matriculated at Lewis University and wish to transfer in a course must seek written approval from the chairperson or program director before the course is attempted. Only courses with a grade of B or better will be accepted. Students may transfer in up to 2 courses.

Graduation Requirements

The student will be awarded the Master of Arts degree when he or she has:

  1. Completed at least 40 hours of graduate study as stipulated below.
  2. Successfully passed the comprehensive examination, which is normally attempted after 30 hours are completed.
  3. Attained a GPA of 3.0 or above.

Grade Point Requirement

Any student admitted to the Graduate Counseling program whose GPA falls below 3.0 will automatically be placed on academic probation. If the condition of probation extends beyond two courses, the student will be dropped from the degree program. Students may continue to take courses under special circumstances at the discretion of the Program Director.

Only grades attained in Lewis University graduate courses will be used in determining the GPA. No more than two courses in which a grade of C is earned will count toward degree requirements. A grade of D will not count toward degree or certification requirements. A 3.00 cumulative GPA is required for graduation.

Course Formats and Credit

Courses are offered in the evening, and workshops are offered on weekends, each semester and summer. The normal load for a full-time graduate student is three courses, or nine semester hours. For those who are employed full-time, the normal semester load is two courses, or six semester hours.

Incomplete Grades

Because practicum and internship courses are rarely completed in an academic calendar, incomplete grades in 27-581 and 27-591 will not turn into the grade of “IF” after the first six weeks of the following semester. Incomplete grades in all other coursework follows the policy explained in the General Information section of this catalog.

Time Limitations

Students must complete all requirements within seven years from the time of completion of their first graduate course at Lewis University.

Enrollment of undergraduates in graduate courses

Registration by undergraduates in graduate courses shall be limited to a maximum of two courses. The student must be within 16 credits of completing the bachelor’s degree requirements, have at least a 3.0 grade point average, and have the approval of the School Counseling Graduate Director.

Credit earned in a graduate course may be considered as graduate credit, or as undergraduate credit to be counted in the number of credits required for the baccalaureate degree. Credit earned in a graduate course may not be counted toward more than one degree.

Registration for graduate courses will be included on the student’s undergraduate registration form. It should be understood that credit earned in graduate courses completed while the student was an undergraduate will not necessarily be applicable to a graduate degree at Lewis University.

Degree Offered: Master of arts

Total Credit Hours Required: 40


I. Core Courses (39)

27-505Research in Counseling


27-511Individual Appraisal


27-512Interviewing Skills


27-520Advanced Developmental Psychology


27-522Career Development Theory




27-565Group Dynamics and Counseling


27-570Principles and Methods of School Counseling


27-576Organization of School Counseling


54-577Exceptional Learners in Inclusive Communities


51-576Multicultural Foundations for Educators and Counselors


27-581Practicum in School Counseling


27-591Internship in School Counseling


II. Elective (1)

Students in Options 1 and 2 are required to take the one credit hour workshop: Counseling Issues in Special Education. Students who are in Option 3 as well as students who are enrolled in Option B, Certified Teacher-Professional Counselor, are required to take the one credit hour workshop: Introduction to Mental Health Workshop (1).

III. Professional Counselor Option

26-567Treatment of Substance Abuse


26-577Counseling Theories: II


26-575Family Dynamics and Counseling


26-578Professional and Ethical Issues in Counseling


26-550Workshop: Introduction to Mental Health


IV. Additional requirements for those who lack a teaching certificate:

56-531Classroom Management for School Counselors


56-548Educational Organization School Counselors