Business Administration MBA


The Lewis University Graduate School of Management offers an advanced program committed to traditional standards of quality and innovative methodology. The Lewis approach to executive management education is characterized by:

  • A curriculum which offers both theory and practical application.
  • Faculty members who bring formal study, research, and executive experience to the classroom.
  • A program which allows students to proceed at their own scheduling pace, keeping their professional and family requirements in proper balance.

The MBA program is designed for men and women who have the potential and motivation to excel in their individual careers and who have the background and analytical skills necessary for executive decision making. The Lewis program offers a comprehensive education in business administration as well as the opportunity to develop competencies in a specialized functional area of interest.

Specifically the program is designed to:

  • Provide students with an understanding of the social, economic and political realities which impact the business environment.
  • Establish conceptual and innovative abilities in the recognition and resolution of organizational problems.
  • Strengthen analytical skills in areas of accounting, finance, economics, marketing, information systems, and management.
  • Enhance interpersonal and communication skills for more effective relationships with staff, teams, peers, and customers.
  • Strengthen self confidence in problem analysis and decisiveness; and further interest in lifelong learning and formal education.
  • Increase long-term potential through the development of management knowledge and skills.

Lewis MBA students bring to the program rich backgrounds of undergraduate education, professional experience, multiculturalism and global perspectives. This richness of diversity lends itself to dynamic classroom discussion.

Students come from 60 public universities and private colleges. The majority of MBA students currently hold managerial, administrative, technical and professional positions in the Chicago metropolitan area. Many of our graduate students come from Fortune 500 companies, as well as various governmental and non-profit agencies.

The one common element of Lewis MBA students is their motivation toward outstanding achievement in the classroom and in their personal and professional lives.

MBA Student Profile

Average Age







The MBA program seeks candidates who demonstrate evidence of strong leadership potential and are prepared to compete successfully in a rigorous course of study. Students may begin their MBA studies in any academic term. No undergraduate major is deemed preferable to another.

Applicants are encouraged to apply early enough prior to their intended start date in order to get the application materials completed and get the best selection of courses to choose from. The application process is done on a rolling basis, and the entire process from application submission to admissions decision can be completed in a timely manner.


Three categories of students attend Lewis University MBA classes: students-at-large/conditional, degree candidates, and visiting students.

Only degree candidates have been completely admitted to the MBA Program.

Degree Requirements

MBA candidates must successfully complete between a minimum of 36 up to a maximum of 54 graduate credit hours, dependent upon their undergraduate preparation.

Once admitted to the Lewis MBA program, students must complete all course requirements through Lewis University, unless receiving specific written permission from the MBA Academic Program Director.

Full Admission Status

Degree candidates must:

  1. Hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university.
  2. Complete an application for graduate admission, including a non-refundable application fee. Apply online by visiting
  3. Submit official transcripts from each college or university attended.
  4. Have an undergraduate GPA greater than 2.75.
  5. Submit a professional resumé.
  6. Provide two recommendation forms, available from the Graduate School of Management online or by phone at (815) 836-5348.
  7. Complete an admission interview.

Degree-Seeking Candidate

A Degree-Seeking Candidate is a student who has an undergraduate GPA of 2.75 or above; OR has a post-graduate degree from an accredited university; AND has submitted all appropriate admission documents, and has received official documentation of acceptance.


A student whose cumulative undergraduate GPA is less than 2.75 will be required to take three specified foundation level MBA courses and obtain a cumulative GPA of 3.3 after the completion of these courses. Students must meet this requirement on their first attempt. No further courses will be allowed if the GPA requirement is not met.

If a student has already taken a required foundation course as an undergraduate, and earned a grade of B or higher, they will choose from the following courses to complete the Conditional Admission requirement: 59-550 Managerial Accounting; 59-554 Managerial Economics; and 59-572 Managerial Finance.

Visiting Student

An applicant with an undergraduate bachelor’s degree may enroll in MBA courses and seminars as a visiting student with the approval of the MBA program director.

A visiting student may take a maximum of six graduate credit hours and must have:

  1. A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university.
  2. Submitted a completed application form with the appropriate non-refundable application fee. Apply online by visiting
  3. An official transcript from each college/university attended sent directly to the MBA Admissions Committee of the Graduate School of Management.
  4. An admission interview with the Graduate School of Management.
  5. An undergraduate GPA greater than 2.75.

Students Educated Outside of the United States

International applicants must satisfy specific requirements before the application will be considered, and before an I-20 will be issued. The requirements include:

  1. A four-year bachelor’s degree (U.S. bachelor’s equivalent) if a bachelor’s degree was obtained outside the U.S., and official transcript evaluation by W.E.S. or E.C.E.
  2. Official transcripts sent to the MBA Admission Director. Transcripts must be received before a candidate will be considered for admission. Transcripts must be accompanied with an official course-by-course evaluation by W.E.S.T., E.C.E., or Educational Perspectives.
  3. A minimum score of 550 on the TOEFL (213 on computer-based; 79 on Internet-based), or IELTS score of 6.0.
  4. Students with a cumulative undergraduate GPA below 2.75 must fulfill the admission criteria required for full degree candidacy (see Student-at-Large/Conditional). Students who are educated outside of the U.S. who have obtained U.S. citizenship or resident alien status are not required to fulfill full degree candidacy prior to beginning the program, but may be required to show English proficiency.
  5. Submission of all financial documentation and requirements of issuance of I-20.

Degree Offered: MBA

Total credit hours required: 36-54


I. Foundation Courses (21)

All Lewis MBA students must satisfy Phase I course requirements. These seven required courses provide the background and essential preparation for advanced study.

Students with undergraduate degrees in business may be eligible for a waiver of some or all of the Foundation courses. The student must have earned a grade of B- or better to be eligible for a waiver. Transfer credit must have been earned prior to matriculation.

(Accounting, economics, and quantitative methods require two undergraduate semesters for waiver eligibility.) Students may also petition for Proficiency Exams for Foundation courses if they believe they have a strong background in the subject matter. Proficiency exams must be completed in the student’s first semester of study.

59-501Financial Accounting


59-502Business Economics


59-504Quantitative Methods for Business


59-506Current Topics in Information Technology


59-508Contemporary Management Practice


59-510Survey of Marketing


59-512Financing the Business Enterprise


II. Core Courses (24)

Eight managerial courses comprise the core of the MBA curriculum. Up to three courses (9 credit hours) grade B or higher, may be transferred in from another college/university if the graduate course is equivalent to a Lewis MBA course.

59-550Managerial Accounting


59-554Managerial Economics


59-568Marketing Management


59-572Managerial Finance


59-601Legal, Social and Ethical Foundations for Business


59-611Managerial Communication


59-615International Business and the Global Environment


59-620Strategic Management in the Global Environment


III. Concentration (9)

MBA candidates may select an area of Concentration. Students take three courses in their preferred area of concentration.


59-640Accounting Ethics


59-642International Accountancy


59-644Advanced Tax Topics



59-579Investment Analysis


59-584Derivatives I


59-585Financial Management Strategies


59-586International Finance


59-599Derivatives II


59-600Portfolio Management


59-602Fixed Income Analysis


59-603Financial Statement Analysis


59-604Quantitative Techniques for Financial Markets


Healthcare Management

59-650Healthcare Management Operations and Accounting


59-660Healthcare Marketing


59-670Healthcare Finance and Economics


Human Resources Management

59-558Human Resources Management


59-588Employment Law


59-630Organizational Behavior and Development


Information Security

59-505Introduction to Information Security


59-551Information Security Strategies and Risk Management


59-552IT Governance and Compliance


59-555Security Assurance Principles


59-566International Human Resources Management


Information Technology Management

59-552IT Governance and Compliance


59-557Project Management


59-594Database Management


59-596Networks and Data Communications


International Business

59-544International Management


59-545International Economics


59-580International Marketing


59-586International Finance


59-642International Accountancy



59-580International Marketing


59-582Social Media Marketing


59-589Analysis of Promotion


59-590Marketing Research


59-591The Strategies of E-Business and E-Marketing


Operations Management

59-560Principles of Six Sigma


59-562Operations Management


59-564Coordinating and Managing Supply Chains


Project Management

59-557Project Management


59-559Advanced Project Management


59-560Principles of Six Sigma


59-561Strategic Outsourcing


Custom Elective Option

Students who do not wish to select a concentration in a particular subject area will be permitted to “customize” a unique concentration (9-12 credit hours) to better reflect their professional and educational interests by selecting courses from any of the concentration courses offered in the program.

IV. Elective (3)

Students may choose any MBA concentration course offered or may take three, one-credit hour graduate seminars.

Seminars are offered each semester. Each seminar meets Friday evening from 6 p.m. until 9 p.m., and the following Saturday from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Students are required to complete all pre-assigned readings, attend the entire seminar, and submit a graduate-level paper/project within two weeks. Seminars are graded on a pass/fail basis.