Educational Leadership M.A., M.Ed.

The Master of Education degree in Educational Leadership is designed to assist current certified educators with the move into administrative positions that deal with school governance and management, instructional leadership and supervision, school and public policy and research. This program includes the State standards for the Principalship, and the State standards for the Special Education Director Endorsement.

See complete admission requirements in College of Education introduction.


  1. Valid initial or standard Type 03, 04, 09, 10 or 73 Illinois certificate.
  2. Two years successful teaching or school service personnel experience.
  3. Current vita or resume.
  4. Fulfillment of Survey of Exceptional Child requirement (105 ILCS 5/21-2a).
  5. Successful completion of Illinois Certification Basic Skills Test.
  6. Successful completion of the Advanced Writing Assessment.

Course of study for the Master of Education degree: total of 33 semester hours plus comprehensive exam.

Degree Requirements

I. Core Courses (21)

(No transfer credit allowed.)

51-522Ethical and Moral Foundations of Educational Leadership


51-538School Law for Administrators


51-548Educational Organization and Administration


51-558School Finance and Business Management


51-578The Principalship


51-588Administrative Practicum I


51-589Administrative Practicum II


II. Non-core courses: (12)

Transfer credit accepted

A maximum of 12 semester hours may be accepted for transfer credit from a regionally accredited institution, earned within the last five years, with no grade lower than a B ; transcript must be accompanied by a performance portfolio indicating that the courses requested for transfer have addressed the appropriate ISLCC/ELCC standards.

Curriculum strand for non-core courses (12)

51-557Curriculum and Instruction


51-575Practical Research for Learning Communities


51-576Multicultural Foundations for Educators and Counselors


51-577Staff Development and Supervision


Special Education strand for non-core courses (12)

51-575Practical Research for Learning Communities


51-576Multicultural Foundations for Educators and Counselors


51-581Supervision and Administration of Special Education


51-586Principles of Counseling: Guidance, Supervisory and Special Education Personnel


III. Master of Arts Option

XX-XXX-Available in both curriculum and special education strands. Add six semester hours.

XX-XXX-3 credit hours elective approved by advisor



Supervisory Endorsement of the Standard Special Certificate in Special Education

Candidates may elect to complete additional requirements for the Supervisory Endorsement of a Type 10 Certificate. In addition to the master’s degree program, students are required to complete the course on Educational Organization and Administration (51-548 or its equivalent). Special Education students must also take the elective Supervision and Administration of Special Education (51-581). Further, candidates for the supervisory endorsement must present evidence of at least two years of successful teaching experience. Candidates must provide documentation of their classroom teaching experience from the superintendent in their school district.