The Library

The Lewis University Library is an important intellectual center on the campus. In addition to books and periodicals, the library also houses a curriculum collection, a government depository, materials on microform, micro readers/printers and a full array of indices and abstracting services, many of which are computerized. Online public access terminals are accessible and user friendly. Computerized access is available for the card catalog of the Lewis library. Patrons also may access the holdings of more than 40 other academic libraries in Illinois through this computerized system. Additionally, more than 50 different periodical databases are available through computer access, many of these full-text and more specialized databases are added each semester. Also, more than 40 of these databases, including the card catalog, are available online.

The library is carpeted, air conditioned and equipped with adequate seating, study carrels, group study rooms, copying facilities, computers, and a media classroom. Bibliographic tours and specialized computer searches may be arranged through the reference department.

The Lewis library is situated in the Learning Resource Center. Periodicals, reference books, the government documents depository, indices and abstracts, library offices, specialized classrooms and the circulation and technical services departments are located on the first floor.

Book stacks, more specialized classrooms, study rooms (on a limited basis), University archives, the curriculum collection, and the Eva White Memorial Aviation Library Collection are located on the second floor. The library also houses the Lewis University I and M Canal and Regional History Special Collection archives.