Entering International Students

In addition to meeting graduate admission requirements, international students are required to demonstrate proficiency in the English language. Those international students who have attended universities abroad and whose instruction was in the English language may demonstrate proficiency through acceptable English grades documented on official transcripts. All others are required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Graduate students are required to score 550 (written) or a minimum of 213 (computer-based), or 79 on the Internet-based exam.

The bulletin of information regarding the TOEFL may be obtained by writing to: TOEFL, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, N.J. 08540, U.S.A.; or by e-mailing: www.toefl.com

International applicants must have official transcripts sent to the University. Copies of all secondary and post-secondary transcripts, the General Certificate of Education (GCE), as well as the original documents themselves, results, diplomas, and other certificates not in the English language, must be translated. In addition, students applying for advanced standing must forward catalog course descriptions of all university-level courses under consideration for transfer.

All international students are required to present the appropriate student visa and other documents as well as complete the Certified Affidavit of Support Form confirming coverage of all college, personal and travel expenses for each academic year at Lewis University. Additionally, international students must have proof of health insurance in an amount not less than ten thousand ($10,000) dollars. The insurance carrier must have a U.S.-based office. International students who cannot show proof of health insurance from a U.S.-based company will be required to purchase health insurance that is available through the University.

International students are required to provide proof of immunization (See Immunization Law). International students should contact the Office of Graduate and Adult Admission for appropriate forms and procedures at least three months in advance of the desired semester of attendance.