Finance / Master of Science

Please see College of Business for additional policy and procedure information. 

The Master of Science in Finance degree is specifically designed to prepare individuals to assume positions in corporate finance, investment analysis, and financial services. The degree is intended for those who are focused in their field and possess the drive and motivation to succeed in the program.

Students will also be exposed to coursework in related fields, such as business analytics, accounting, and financial economics. Analysts need and acquire a complete view of capital markets from a financial economics and data analytics perspective to evaluate the financial performance of a business organization.

Utilizing the CFA Institute Candidate Body of Knowledge® as guidance, coursework in the degree will assist individuals desiring to take the CFA exams. Whenever possible, texts and materials used in the CFA Program will be used. The CFA Institute (formerly the Association for Investment Management and Research) is the leading organization of investment analyst professionals with over 140,000 members in approximately 150 countries.

Program Benefits

  • Provides students with an in-depth understanding of the role of finance in a domestic and global context.
  • Establishes conceptual and innovative abilities to apply analytical financial tools to a variety of investment situations.
  • Develops critical thinking and functional knowledge across various disciplines that impact investment decisions.
  • Teaches how to leverage data and information to guide your clients' (or your own) organization's financial and other strategic decisions.
  • Provides the critical knowledge base necessary to prepare for the CFA® exams.
  • Develops expertise for a wide spectrum of strategically important positions in finance.

Degree Requirements

Students must complete a minimum of 30 graduate credits in the program to earn the Master of Science in Finance degree. Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA while in the program. If the student’s GPA falls below 3.0, there will be a grace period of one 8-week session after which the student must bring the GPA up to the 3.0. Six hours of equivalent graduate coursework from a regionally-accredited college or university can be transferred into the program.

Degree Offered: Master of Science

Total Credit Hours: 30-39

Degree Requirements

Program: MS-FINA-2

I. Foundation Courses (9)

Students who have not completed a business undergraduate degree will be required to take the following Phase I coursework.

BSAN-50400Quantitative Methods of Business


BSAD-50800Contemporary Management Practice


BSAD-52000Fundamentals of the Business Enterprise


II. Core Courses (18)

FINA-57000Quantitative Techniques for Financial Markets


FINA-57200Managerial Finance


FINA-57900Investment Analysis


FINA-58600International Finance


FINA-60300Financial Statement Analysis


FINA-69500Financial Management Strategies-Capstone


BGEN-69600Accreditation Assessment Exam


III. Core Finance Elective (3)

Choose 1 of the following:
FINA-58400Derivatives 1


FINA-60200Fixed Income Analysis


IV. Core Business Analytics Courses (9)

BSAN 67900 is Required.  Choose 2 other courses listed below.
BSAN-67900Business Intelligence & Data Analysis


BSAN-53800Visualizing Information


BSAN-54000Data Mining for Business Decisions


BSAN-59400Database Management