BSAD - Business Administration

BSAD-50800 Contemporary Management Practice

This course helps students develop management knowledge through detailed discussions of management theories and management principles. Utilizing case studies, students will explore leadership development, team building, motivation, conflict management, organizational culture, and strategic organizational design.  Students will also explore how companies use human resource management and marketing to gain competitive advantage and better understand the manager's role as an organizational change agent.


BSAD-51000 Critical Thinking and Communication

Through exploring today’s complex business problems, students will develop a critical thinking attitude while learning how to apply an array of critical thinking skills. Emphasis will be placed on using logical reasoning supported by qualitative and quantitative evidence to identify problems, evaluate alternatives, and justify decisions. It is expected that students will become better listeners, more capable communicators – both in writing and speaking – as well as better at reflecting upon their own thinking. The class is based on the premise that critical thinking and communication skills are best learned through practice. Being able to communicate across cultures is a highly sought-after skill for businesses today. You will learn to apply your emotional intelligence and cultural intelligence to make every cross-cultural interaction a success and demonstrate your emotional intelligence and your cultural communication competency. 


BSAD 50800, BSAD 52000

BSAD-52000 Fundamentals of the Business Enterprise

This course is designed to introduce the student to four core areas of business: Economics, Accounting and Finance. As this course is intended for students pursuing a business focused graduate degree without prior business studies, these three topics will be introduced so the students have a foundational base upon which to build when they take the upper-level Economics, Accounting & Finance required for their degree program. This course will introduce you to the key business concepts needed to manage an organization and ensure you develop basic literacy in the terminology of business. The class focuses on learning the fundamental vocabulary, ideas, theories and concepts associated with each management knowledge area. This is an intensive course where students will work through numerous problem sets requiring basic math and algebra knowledge along with applying theory to assess different situations.

BSAD-53000 Ethical Strategic Management

This course explores ethics at the intersection of leadership and strategy. On a daily basis, organization leaders face the need to make ethical decisions while executing strategic plans. In this course, students will play the role of executive, facing challenging ethical situations as they juggle standard business measures. We will build a reservoir of transactional ethical decision-making experience, making the student more aware of their own values and beliefs and strengthening their moral compass. 


BSAD 50800

BSAD-55800 Human Resources Management

The goal of this course is to enable students to understand the role of the human resources department. This includes recruiting and selecting, training and development, industrial relations, compensation techniques and strategies.


BSAD 50800

BSAD-58800 Employment Law

This course emphasizes current employment law. Major focus is on understanding, interpreting and making employment decisions in light of relevant laws. Contemporary employment issues, such as job discrimination, employment contracts, and collective bargaining will be included.


BSAD 50800

BSAD-61100 Managerial Communication

This workshop course enables students to integrate communication theory and apply the various forms of written and oral communication skills required in business settings. Extensive practical application of the diverse forms of business communication with the aid of technology include written memos, e-mail messages, meeting management, collaborative reports and the incorporation of graphics. Multicultural aspects of the course include describing the challenges of international and cross-cultural business communication. Enhancing oral presentations with the use of multimedia PowerPoint slides is also covered. This course should be completed as early as possible in the program.

BSAD-67200 Graduate Business Practicum (CPT) for International Students

International graduate students may engage in temporary employment for the purpose of gaining practical experience directly related to their major field of study.  Practicum fulfilling the Curricular Practical Training must be approved by the Program Director prior to registration, after an evaluation of the employment request and suitability of employer relative to the student’s major area of study.