Business Administration/Master of Business Administration

Please see College of Business for additional policy and procedure information.

The Lewis University Graduate School of Management offers an advanced program committed to traditional standards of quality and innovative methodology. The Lewis approach to executive management education is characterized by:

  • A curriculum which offers both theory and practical application.
  • Faculty members who bring formal study, research, and executive experience to the classroom.
  • A program which allows students to proceed at their own scheduling pace, keeping their professional and family requirements in proper balance.

The MBA program is designed for individuals who have the potential and motivation to excel in their individual careers and who have the background and analytical skills necessary for executive decision making. The Lewis program offers a comprehensive education in business administration as well as the opportunity to develop competencies in specialized functional areas of interest.

Specifically, the program is designed to:

  • Establish conceptual and innovative abilities in the recognition and resolution of organizational problems.
  • Strengthen analytical skills in core functional areas of business
  • Enhance interpersonal and communication skills for more effective relationships with staff, teams, peers, and customers.
  • Strengthen self-confidence in problem analysis and decisiveness and further interest in lifelong learning and formal education.
  • Increase long-term potential through the development career leadership knowledge and skills.

Lewis MBA students bring to the program rich backgrounds of undergraduate education, professional experience, multiculturalism, and global perspectives. This richness of diversity lends itself to dynamic classroom discussion.

The majority of MBA students currently hold managerial, administrative, technical, or professional positions in the Chicago metropolitan area. Many of our graduate students come from Fortune 500 companies, as well as various governmental and non-profit agencies.

The one common element shared among Lewis MBA students is their motivation toward attaining outstanding achievement in the classroom and in their personal and professional lives.

Graduation Requirements

Upon completion of the following 7 requirements, students will be awarded the MBA degree:

  1. The degree candidacy admission standard.
  2. Phase I - Foundation Course requirements.
  3. Phase II - Core Courses- Strategic Business Management micro-credential requirements.
  4. Phase III – Two additional business competency focused micro-credential requirements.
  5. A minimum 3.0 GPA.
  6. Satisfaction of all financial obligations to Lewis University.
  7. An Application for Graduation completed and submitted to the Registrar's Office before the published deadline.

Degree Offered: MBA
Total Credit Hours: 30-39

Degree Requirements

Program: MBA-BSAD-2

The MBA provides strategic level insights across a diverse range of business functions to prepare graduates to lead organizations and communities as socially responsible citizens in a global environment. Central themes of improving the world through business and building and maintaining diverse networks of people frame the learning outcomes to ensure graduates are prepared to lead with both integrity and purpose.

The Master of Business Administration is a career-focused program designed for early career and more experienced professionals seeking upward career mobility or professionals who want to broaden their business knowledge. Graduates will combine a set of managerial and strategic competencies with a set of in-depth competencies from specific disciplines through the stacking of three micro-credentials.

MBA Outcomes

  • The graduate leverages data to make ethical and strategic decisions.
  • The graduate applies purpose-driven and stakeholder-oriented management strategies, theories and processes to build a shared vision while achieving goals.
  • The graduate anticipates needs, conceptualizes solutions and produces positive outcomes by actively engaging, listening to and influencing others.
  • The graduate applies a mindset of resilience, self-awareness and self-reflection to define and navigate personal and professional purpose.
  • The graduate designs, implements and evaluates data-informed and culturally conscious strategies, theories and processes to generate results.

I. Foundation Courses (9)

All Lewis MBA students must satisfy Phase I course requirements. These three required courses provide the background and essential preparation for advanced study.

Students with undergraduate degrees in business may be eligible for a waiver of some or all of the Foundation courses. The student must have earned a grade of B- or better to be eligible for a waiver. Transfer credit must have been earned prior to matriculation.

Students may also petition for Proficiency Examinations for Foundation courses if they believe they have a strong background in the subject matter. Proficiency exams must be completed in the student’s first semester of study.
BSAD-52000Fundamentals of the Business Enterprise


BSAN-50400Quantitative Methods of Business


BSAD-50800Contemporary Management Practice


II. Core Courses - Strategic Business Management Micro-credential (18)

BSAD-51000Critical Thinking and Communication


ECON-55400Managerial Economics


ACCT-55000Managerial Accounting


FINA-57200Managerial Finance


BSAN-50500Business Forecasting and Visualization


BSAD-53000Ethical Strategic Management


BGEN-69600Accreditation Assessment Exam


III. Micro-credentials: Students choose two (12)

ICF Level 2 Executive Coaching Micro-credential

Micro-crededential - COMC
ORGL-54600Introduction to Professional and Executive Coaching


ORGL-54750Coaching Methodologies, Assessments and Research


The ICF Level 2 Executive Coaching Micro-credential follows the requirements set forth by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). While Lewis University does not provide a certificate upon completion of this concentration, it does prepare students who desire to obtain coaching certification. Students can obtain more information about this concentration from their advisor.

All courses in the ICF Level 2 Executive Coaching Micro-credential will be offered online and will require synchronous learning.

Business Analytics (6)

Micro-Credential: BAMC
BSAN-67900Business Intelligence & Data Analysis


BSAN-54000Data Mining for Business Decisions


Cybersecurity and Risk Management

Micro-credential: CRMC
CPSC-50600Cyber Security Essentials


INSY-55100Information Security Strategies and Risk Management


Databases Systems

Micro-Credential: DSMC
CPSC-50100Programming Fundamentals


CPSC-50900Database Systems


Digital Marketing (6)

Micro-Credential: DMMC
MKTG-60400Digital Marketing Strategies


MKTG-60500Digital Marketing Analytics


Finance (6)

Micro-credential: FNMC
FINA-57900Investment Analysis


FINA-60300Financial Statement Analysis


Healthcare Informatics (6)

Micro-Credential: HIMC
BSAN-67500Introduction to Healthcare Informatics


BSAN-67700Healthcare Data Analysis and Design


Strategic Leadership (6)

Micro-Credential: SLMC
ORGL-50900Leadership: Theories, Practices and Context


ORGL-51200Assessing Leadership Skills


Organizational Consulting

Micro-Credential: OCMC
ORGL-58100Foundations of Organizational Consulting


ORGL-58150The Business of Consulting


Project Management (6)

Micro-Credential: PMMC
PROJ-51000Foundations of Project Management


PROJ-53000Project Leadership in Teams