MKTG - Marketing

MKTG-59000 Marketing Research

This course is a study of developing and administering current techniques of data collection, statistical and computer analysis of data, and the oral and written presentation. Applications of marketing research information are analyzed for relevant business situations.


BSAD 52000

MKTG-60400 Digital Marketing Strategies

This upper division marketing course discusses the strategic implementation of online digital media tools as they relate to a firm’s integrated marketing communication strategies. The primary focus of this course will be on understanding social media, how to build successful social media marketing strategies, and how to track their effectiveness through a hands-on Digital Marketing Plan project. Students will use several real-world cases to examine course topics, effectively and concisely communicate marketing analysis and recommendations

MKTG-60500 Digital Marketing Analytics

Digital Marketing analytics is foundational to digital marketing because it is the language used to optimize and connect results across all digital marketing tactics (search, social media, email, display video, etc.).  This course provides an overview of the best approaches and practices in digital marketing measurements and analysis and offers an understanding of how these tools can be integrated to inform strategic direction.  Students will gain hands-on, working knowledges of a step-by-step approach to planning, collecting, analyzing, and reporting data using Google Analytics and other industry-relevant digital analysis applications.  Note that this course is NOT about specific online social media platforms that you may know well from a user perspective (e.g.. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat).  The goal is to provide marketers with the foundation needed to apply data analytics to real-world challenges they confront daily in their professional lives.  While individual platforms are important and will be discussed, the intention is to broaden perspectives vs narrow thinking with focus on a select few platforms that are popular today.  This course covers important techniques in digital marketing analytics structured around practice and application through simulation and certification.



MKTG 60400