

  1. To prepare students to reflect critically on issues of faith, morality, religion and theology either as the main focus of their college career (as a major) or in conjunction with other studies.
  2. To serve the particular Mission of Lewis University and its Lasallian principles.
  3. To be a resource for the University to maintain its Roman Catholic identity.


The Department of Theology is key to the Mission of Lewis University. Our offerings invite students to consider the questions that confront people in every age and culture. These include questions of God’s existence and life’s meaning, as well as the relationship of humans to one another and to God. A theological approach involves working to understand what one believes. The sequence of courses acquaints students with foundational considerations and assists them in articulating their own personal questions and responses in light of Christian faith, specifically the Roman Catholic tradition.

As part of the study of theology, students are afforded opportunities for service learning, preparation for further academic study in and outside the discipline, study abroad, and preparation for service to the Christian Church. Emphasis is placed on developing communication skills, especially in writing, in all courses at all levels.

Among our goals is the inclusion of “(a) the search for an integration of knowledge, (b) a dialogue between faith and reason, (c) an ethical concern, and (d) a theological perspective” as we teach within the discipline (Pope John Paul II, Ex Corde Ecclesiae , 15). Furthermore, consistent with the Mission of Lewis University, and guided by its Catholic and Lasallian heritage, we attempt to provide to a diverse student population a liberal and professional education grounded in the interaction of knowledge and fidelity in the search for truth.

Theology Requirements for the Major and Minor

Students in the program for majors study the religious dimension of humanity in its historical and contemporary expressions while investigating theological questions in biblical, historical, systematic, and moral theology. The minor provides students majoring in other disciplines the opportunity to consider core theological questions and analyses. Students may choose to double major in Theology and another discipline.

Program One prepares majors for teaching and graduate education. It provides the study of an essential theological core of the various sub-disciplines within theology.

The Department of Theology and the College of Education jointly offer a program in Teacher Education for Teaching Theology in Catholic Schools. Candidates are required to major in Theology fulfilling the requirements of Theology Program One (36 credits) and minor in Education (27 credits) fulfilling the requirments of the Secondary Education Minor in Teaching Theology as designated in the College of Education section of this catalog. Also required is a passing score on the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) exam. Theology Program One provides candidates with the essential theological background required for teaching a diversity of theological courses in Catholic secondary schools. The Education minor will provide candidates with pedagogical knowledge, clinical practice, and teaching skills needed to become a successful teacher of theology. This is a non-certified program as the State of Illinois does not certify the teaching of theology. At the same time, it provides candidates with the same excellence in instruction offered to all students within the College of Education.

Program Two in Roman Catholic Studies is designed for all students who wish to deepen their knowledge of the rich heritage of Catholicism while reflecting on significant issues in American culture.

Program Three in Pastoral Ministry is designed for students who are considering a career in lay, vowed or ordained ministry, as well as those interested in catechesis and teaching theology. In addition to the theological core, the program provides inter-disciplinary studies in psychology or education as well as a foreign language which are essential for pastoral ministry. This program also includes courses and workshops that incorporate service learning, integrating practical experiences with theological study.