Student /Consumer Information

Catalog Information

Both the general University requirements and the departmental requirements for majors, minors, and certificate programs described in this catalog are current as of the time of publication. Those requirements may, however, change from time to time during the course of a student’s enrollment at Lewis. It is the student’s responsibility to monitor any changes to requirements published during their enrollment and to discuss with appropriate University or departmental personnel how, if at all, the changes affect the student’s academic program. A student whose curricular plan satisfies both the University requirements for graduation and the requirements for one of more majors that are in effect at the time of matriculation is eligible for an Associate of Science, Aviation Maintenance Technology Certificate, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Nursing or Bachelor of Elected Studies degree from Lewis University.

Students who are absent from Lewis for more than two consecutive years must follow the catalog requirements in effect upon return.

Computer Ethics

In the interest of academic honesty, Lewis University is committed to the following code of computer ethics:

  1. Work done on University computer systems is considered the property of the individual user, subject to normal inspection and file maintenance by University supervisory personnel.
  2. Users shall respect the privacy of information belonging to other users. They may not alter, add to or delete another user’s property without the express consent of that owner. Any willful act of copying information with the intent of deceiving ownership, whether the information is a student’s or that of another user, is an act of plagiarism. Such action will be considered a form of academic dishonesty.
  3. The computer systems at the University shall not be used to identify the access codes of other users or other computer systems. Users may not disclose their own access codes to any other users.

Copyright Laws

Students must abide by all copyright laws including the transmission of any information, software or other material that is protected by copyright (music and videos) or other proprietary rights (including trade secret materials), or derivative works thereof, without obtaining permission of the copyright owner or holder.

Educational Rights

Lewis University complies with the rules governing the implementation of the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) as passed by the 93rd Congress with the 1992 amendments and issued by the Department of Health, Education and Human Services. The compliance is accomplished through procedures found in the Student Handbook.

Additionally, Lewis University recognizes and supports the standards set forth in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and similar state laws which are designed to eliminate discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities. Disabilities may include physical or mental impairments which substantially limit one or more of a person’s major life activities, and which necessitate modifications to the facilities, programs, or services of the University.

For further information on accommodations or accessibility on campus, contact the Director of Academic Support Services in LARC.

Immunization Policy

The Illinois College Student Immunization Act requires all students born after Jan. 1, 1957 enrolled in six (6) or more credit hours on the Romeoville campus to provide written evidence of current immune status with respect to certain communicable diseases. Documentation must be submitted to Health Services by the fourth week of the first term enrolled to avoid a non-refundable $50 late fee, and a Medical Hold for future class registration.

Every College of Nursing and Health Professions student must have a physical examination form completed before entering clinical courses.


Lewis University does not discriminate against any applicant because of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, age or disability.

Privacy Statement

In accordance with the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, known as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, all institutions of higher education are now subject to provisions of the Act related to the administrative, technical and physical safeguarding of consumer information. Lewis University fully supports these provisions and is implementing practices and procedures to protect your private information.

Student Right-To-know

Public Law 101-542, more commonly referred to as the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act was signed into law on November 8, 1990. The federal legislation requires institutions of higher education receiving federal financial assistance to provide information regarding graduation rates of its students to prospective and current students, and crime statistics and campus security information to current students and employees. Six-year graduation rates for cohorts of entering freshmen and campus crime statistics, as required by the federal legislation, will be updated annually on the University Web site.

The Illinois Board of Higher Education requires that we publish the number of graduates: 2011-2012 academic year – 1,508; Fall 2011 enrollment – 6,394; most recent graduation rate – 62% based on 2005 cohort year.

Tuition and Fees

Official information concerning tuition and fees is published each semester in the University Course Schedule . All charges and fees are subject to change without notice or obligation, and only those lists of tuition, fees and other charges published with the authority of the University Business Office are official.