Early Childhood Special Education / Bachelor of Arts

Total Credit Hours: 128

Major Credit Hours: 55

Degree Requirements

I. Exploration Block (Beginning Core Courses) (14)

50-310Foundations of Early Childhood Education


50-315Child Growth and Development


50-335Beginning Linguistics and Development of Speech and Language in Early Childhood


54-357Exceptional Learners in Inclusive Communities


50-301Field Experience I: Infant and Toddler Methods (25 field experience hours)


50-302Field Experience II: PreK Special Needs Observations (25 field experience hours)


II. Synthesis Block (Methods Courses) (32)

50-320Child, Family, Culture and Community


50-360History and Philosophy of Early Childhood Education


50-324Foundations of Teaching Reading and Language Arts for P-3


51-310Teaching English Language Learners in P-12 Schools


53-304Technology for Teaching and Learning


50-356Foundations of Teaching Math, Science and Social Studies for P-3


50-330Assessment and Intervention for Classroom Teachers


50-325Curriculum, Organization and Methods of Creative Arts and Literacy in Early Childhood


50-440Collaboration and Adaptations for Special Needs in General Education Settings


50-401Field Experience III: Preprimary ESL Methods K (50 field experience hours)


50-402Field Experience IV: Primary Methods - Grades 1-3 (50 field experience hours)


51-326Methods and Materials for Teaching English as a New Language


III. Reflective Block (Student Teaching/Clinical) (9)

50-481Student Teaching/Clinical Practice with Seminar


“Candidate” refers to individuals admitted to Lewis University’s College of Education. “Student” refers to children and adolescents in P-12 schools.

IV. Advanced Writing: Three hours of clinical practice/student teaching fulfills the advanced writing requirement.

V. Candidates complete 150 hours of field experience as part of the coursework in the Early Childhood Education Program.

All candidates must successfully pass the Illinois Test of Academic Proficiency (TAP) or have a composite score of 22 on the ACT Plus Writing Test taken within the last ten years before they will be allowed to take education courses. Field experience courses include Field Experience I: Infant and Toddler Methods (50-301) (25 hours), Field Experience II: Special Needs Observations (50-302) (25 hours), Field Experience III: Preprimary Methods Pre-K and K (50-401) (50 hours), and Field Experience IV: Primary Methods - Grades 1-3 (50-402) (50 hours). A 2.75 GPA is required for all education courses. Assignment to the field experience sites is arranged by the College of Education. Experiences are designed to include public and private school assignments and diverse experiences. Candidates are responsible for providing their own transportation to field experience sites. Field experience assignments are generally within a 25 mile radius of Lewis’ main campus. Field experience hours completed at other institutions will be evaluated by the Department Chair to determine whether or not the hours can be transferred.

VI: Clinical Practice/Student Teaching: Candidates must pass the appropriate State of Illinois content tests prior to student teaching.

Application for admission to student teaching must be filed by September 30 of the year prior to the planned student teacher experience. Procedures and requirements for admission to student teaching are published in the Guide for Initial Teacher Licensure Program Candidates. This publication is available on Blackboard. All candidates are responsible for the information contained in this Guide. Evidence of successful completion of the appropriate State of Illinois content area tests must be received in the College of Education at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the student teaching semester in order to be allowed to student teach. Student teaching in the early childhood major requires candidates to complete a 15-week placement in an early childhood education setting. Candidates are responsible for providing their own transportation while student teaching. Placements are generally within a 25 mile radius of Lewis’ main campus. Official documentation of a negative TB test must be filed prior to student teaching. The Assessment of Professional Teaching Test must be successfully completed before entitlement for licensure will be sent to the state.