Class Attendance Policy

Students are expected to attend all classes as part of the normal learning process. Students bear the ultimate responsibility for all missed class material as the result of an absence and can be required to make up any work missed. In addition, the Illinois Student Assistance Commission also requires attendance as a “demonstration of academic progress toward a degree” as one criterion for retaining financial aid awards.

Students must be especially consistent in attendance, both on-ground and online, during the first two weeks of the semester to confirm registration and to be listed on the official course roster.  Students who fail to attend the first two weeks and who have not received prior approval from the instructor for absences will be withdrawn from the courses in question by certification of the instructor on the official class lists.

Faculty members have a right to establish their own rules and regulations concerning class attendance consistent with program and institutional policies. Students may receive a grade reduction or failing grade if they do not observe attendance requirements set for their classes.


Excused Attendance Policy

The University will normally excuse an absence when it is required by: (1) the student’s mandatory participation in University activities and events; (2) a student’s religious beliefs, observances and practices; (3) mandatory military and civic obligations such as responding to a subpoena; (4) as a reasonable accommodation to a student’s disability; (5) a student’s or family member’s significant illness or injury;  or (6) a death in the student’s immediate family.  Students may be required to provide valid documentation of adequate cause for excused absences.  

It is the student’s responsibility to initiate contact with the faculty member about the absence in advance when possible. Student Athletes should provide their instructors with their competition schedule during the first week of the semester.  Coaches and students will update faculty on any changes or additions to the athletic schedule during the semester. An excused absence does not excuse the student from learning course material or fulfilling other course requirements. Students may be required to provide valid documentation of an excused absence. 

Normally, a student’s grade may not be reduced solely as the result of an excused absence. However, if a student has an excessive number of excused absences, considered alone or in combination with any unexcused absences, which adversely impacts the student's ability to fully attain the course learning outcomes, the instructor may, after meeting with the student, issue the student a reduced grade, a grade of  "Incomplete"  or recommend that the student withdraw from the class. The number of excused absences allowed for a specific class will be identified in the course syllabus and approved by the program. 

In addition, the nature of some classes may make attendance mandatory. Examples of this type of class include:

  1. Classes in which there are attendance requirements from an external accreditation organization;
  2. Labs with specific activities that cannot be made up and are an essential component of achieving the course student learning outcome;
  3. Courses with performances or productions that cannot be made up and are an essential component of achieving the course student learning outcomes;
  4. Courses with frequent student discussion or group work that cannot be made up and is an essential component of achieving the course student learning outcomes.

It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the excused absence policy in every class. Students should work carefully with their academic advisors to prepare a course schedule to minimize attendance issues and conflicts.

Grievance Policy

A student who believes his or her rights under this policy have been violated will follow the standard grade appeal process.