1) Introduction to the College Experience (ICE)

The Introduction to the College Experience (ICE) course is designed to assist the new student by providing information and skills essential for a successful college experience. The one-credit hour course for first year college students reviews key University information on policies, procedures, and services; it identifies for the student positive college readiness skills (study skills, time management, etc.); furthermore, it outlines career planning opportunities; and finally it provides information to enhance the advising sessions with the student’s academic advisor. Small groups of 12-15 students meet once a week and are directed by a selected faculty or staff mentor. The course is required for all new students entering the University with fewer than 12 credit hours. Usually incoming first year students are asked to read a contemporary text in preparation for this class. First year General Education courses may also allude to this “Common Reader.”

The content of courses offered in this program can be found in the Course Descriptions. See 76-100; 76-103; 76-108.