Psychology / Bachelor of Arts (Accelerated)

Total Credit Hours: 128
Major Credit Hours: 36

The accelerated program is offered only through The School for Professional and Continuing Education (SPCE).


To be admitted, adult students should have earned a minimum of 30 semester hours of transferable credit, which includes College Writing 1 or equivalent, at a regionally-accredited, post-secondary institution; have earned a minimum of 2.0 (on a 4.0 scale) cumulative transfer grade point average based upon all transferable courses; demonstrate evidence of significant work experience or military training; and write a personal statement outlining a plan for achieving success in an adult accelerated program at Lewis University. Credits earned through Prior Learning Assessment cannot be used for satisfying the transfer credit hour requirement for admission into an accelerated degree program.

Degree Requirements

Program: BA-PSYC-L

I. Core Courses (18)

PSYC-10000General Psychology




PSYC-30300Statistics for the Social Sciences


PSYC-40500Methods of Research


PSYC-41200Theories of Cognition




PSYC 40500 is offered only as a 16-week course. Psychology majors register for PSYC 40500 Methods of Research in Psychology.

II. Electives (18)

Students choose 6 three-credit courses in Psychology in consultation with an advisor. Electives must be focused on development. Students may use up to three courses in PSYC 27600 Workshop in Psychology or PSYC 27700 Workshop in Organizational Psychology toward their major.

III. Advanced Writing Requirement

The advanced writing requirement of the General Education curriculum is satisfied by successful completion of:
PSYC-40500Methods of Research