
Students who fail to maintain the required GPA are placed on academic probation, which is noted on the permanent academic record. Students on academic probation are not allowed to take more than 12 to 14 credit hours. They are also mandated to take Academic Study Skills (READ 15300), a three hour course that emphasizes the development of better learning through improved study skills. For SPCE students, students who are on academic probation are not allowed to take more than six credit hours and/or one class at a time. The Academic Advisor will develop an academic improvement plan that will be discussed with the student

Academic probation is a period of one regular semester (fall, spring, and/or summer terms) during which a student must satisfactorily complete all courses registered for and raise his or her GPA to the required minimum, as a condition for remaining in the University. An Incomplete (I) grade is evidence of failure to meet the conditions of probation. Due to the timing of the five- and eight-week accelerated sessions, academic probation may be addressed at times other than January, May, and August.

Academic probation may bring with it restrictions on a student’s participation in campus activities, as indicated in the Student Handbook .