Re-Admission After Academic Dismissal

Students dismissed from the University for academic reasons may apply for re-admission in one of the following ways. More specific information is available through the Director of Academic Support Services.

  1. An academically dismissed student may apply for re-admission if he or she has been absent from Lewis University for two semesters (which may include one summer); has completed the equivalent of two semesters of full-time academic work at another college or university (with a minimum of 12 credit hours each term); and has earned a grade point average of at least 2.00 each semester. The Dismissal and Appeals Committee will review the courses taken and determine whether a student has demonstrated the ability to do satisfactory work if readmitted to Lewis. If a student is allowed to return to the University, the student’s GPA will not be altered, and coursework transferred into the university will have no effect on the Lewis GPA. In addition, the student must meet with professional staff in the Academic Services department or SPCE advising staff to develop an Academic Recovery Plan.
  2. An academically dismissed student who does not attend any school for three calendar years may then apply through the Admission Office. Re-application must also be made through the Academic Skills Coordinator. If allowed to return to the University, a student may request the Forgiveness Policy. The Forgiveness Policy allows students academically dismissed who have been absent from Lewis for three calendar years and have not attended any other college or university during that time to apply for re-admission. Such students are re-admitted, and all previous grades of “D” or “F,” the courses in which they were earned, and the credit earned in “D” courses, will not be used in determining progress toward graduation. (Nursing students adhere to the CONHP readmission policy.)