Physics Major in Applied Science: Bachelor of Science / Aerospace Engineering Major: Bachelor of Science (Dual Degree)
Total Credit Hours: 161
This is a Dual Degree Program between Lewis University and the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) in which students receive two degrees: a B.S. degree in Physics (Applied Physics concentration) from Lewis and a B.S. degree in Aerospace Engineering from IIT. This program gives students a deeper understanding of the Physics that underlies the engineering principles than they would get by completing only an Engineering degree. It is anticipated that a student enrolled in the Dual Degree Program will complete both degrees within five years. Students must satisfy all published requirements of the institution granting the degree.
Applicants to the Dual Degree Program must be admissible to both Lewis and IIT, as determined by the respective admission offices. In addition, any Lewis student may, with Lewis University's permission, apply for the program and will be considered for admission by IIT using its usual criteria for transfer students. Students must meet Lewis and IIT criteria for satisfactory academic progress in order to remain in the Dual Degree Program. Students must maintain a minimum 3.0 /4.0 GPA in their Lewis courses in order to apply for and remain in the Dual Degree Program.
If a student is dismissed from the Dual Degree Program, he or she may be offered further probationary enrollment at either Lewis or IIT at the discretion of his or her respective dean and department advisor.
Lewis will compute students’ cumulative and semester grade point averages based upon courses completed at both Lewis and IIT. Lewis will use combined cumulative averages to determine eligibility for special academic awards such as inclusion on the dean’s list and graduation with honors. IIT will treat Lewis courses as transfer courses and will not include them in calculating grade point averages.
IIT will accept “D” grades for Lewis courses in the Dual Degree Program only in general education courses. Lewis will not accept “D” grades for IIT courses that substitute for required courses in the student’s major at Lewis.
Transfer credit earned from other institutions prior to enrollment at Lewis will be accepted by IIT provided it satisfies IIT transfer credit requirements. For students enrolled in the Dual Degree Program, IIT will accept transfer credit completed with a grade of “C” or better which has been accepted by Lewis, provided the student has obtained prior Lewis and IIT approval by filing a student petition in accordance with existing Lewis and IIT regulations.
Students enrolled in the Dual Degree Program will be subject to the academic and general regulations and policies of both Lewis and IIT. Where there appears to be a conflict between the regulations of the two institutions, such matters will be resolved by the appropriate academic deans of each institution or their designees.
IIT courses required in the Dual Degree Program will be offered on the IIT Main Campus in Chicago, Illinois.
All fulltime students in the Dual Degree Program will be accorded all customary privileges of regular fulltime students at both institutions, including use of the libraries, student unions, and athletic facilities. For further information, contact the Chair of the Physics Department.
Program: BS-PHYS-A
Concentration: AENG
Students enrolled in the Dual Degree Program must take the courses described in the curriculum below. The curriculum may be changed upon mutual agreement by IIT and Lewis University. Students who are not ready to take Calculus 1 and General Physics 1 in their first semester may require additional preparatory coursework, extending their time to program completion by a semester or a year.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Semester 3
Semester 4
Semester 5
PHYS-31000 | Electricity and Magnetism | 4 |
| OR | |
PHYS-31100 | Analog and Digital Electronics | 4 |
PHYS-36500 | Intermediate Physics Laboratory | 3 |
PHYS-49600 | Physics Seminar | 1 |
COMM-11200 | Introduction to Human Communication | 3 |
| Fine Arts Elective | 3 |
| Social Science / Macroeconomics / Introduction to Philosophy / Ethics | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 17 |
Semester 6
Semester 7
MMAE -31100 | Compressible Flow | 3 |
MMAE -31200 | Aerodynamics of Aerospace Vehicles | 3 |
MMAE -31500 | Aerospace Laboratory I | 4 |
MMAE -35000 | Computational Mechanics | 3 |
| Social Science / Macroeconomics / Introduction to Philosophy / Ethics | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 16 |
Semester 8
Semester 9
Semester 10
Note 1: Lewis General Education requirements satisfy the IIT Humanities and Social Sciences General Education requirements. See the current Lewis University catalog for General Education course options. Ethics is recommended as the Action and Values option.
Note 2: MMAE 313, 315, 320, 350, and 411, required courses in the B.S. in Aerospace Engineering program at IIT, will satisfy the Physics electives requirement in the B.S. in Physics (Applied Physics concentration) at Lewis University.
Note 3: In the ninth and tenth semesters, the student must choose either the MMAE 414 and MMAE 416 sequence or the MMAE 412 and 413 sequence.
Note 4: The advanced writing requirement is satisfied for LU/IIT Bachelor of Physics majors by successful completion of PHYS 29600 Research Methods Seminar and PHYS 36500 Intermediate Physics Lab. One elective at IIT 497 satisfies PHYS 46500 Capstone Project; however, students are also required to submit a paper and deliver an oral presentation to the Lewis University Physics Department on their Interprofessional Project.
Note 5: A minimum of 45 semester hours must be completed at IIT.
Note 6: Students may reduce the semester hour load by completing approved courses in the summer.