College of Business

The College of Business offers a comprehensive undergraduate business curriculum that prepares students for business careers, as well as graduate studies. The College of Business offers majors in Accounting, Business Administration, Digital Marketing Economics, Finance, Information Systems, Information Security Management, Information Technology Management, International Business, Marketing, Organizational Leadership, and Sport Management .

College of Business majors can also double major or minor in other business areas, and College of Aviation, Science, and Technology, College of Education and Social Sciences, College of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Communication, and College of Nursing and Health Sciences students can minor in any business area.

In addition, three undergraduate/graduate degree option programs are offered in conjunction with the College of Business Graduate School of Management.

The College of Business has three comprehensive purposes: (1) to help students understand the function of business in the development and stability of local, national and international societies; (2) to assist students in their mastery of the knowledge and skills necessary for careers in business; and (3) to instill in business graduates capabilities for quality decision-making and leadership, with an ethical sensitivity and sense of justice and social responsibility.

Lewis' College of Business programs are recognized by many prestigious organizations. Our business programs are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). The following two business units within the College of Business are Candidates for Accreditation: Organizational Leadership and Sport Management, and are now considered to be in candidacy status with ACBSP. Our Project Management programs are approved by the Project Management Institute, and we are designated as a National Center for Academic Excellence by the Department of Homeland Security and National Security Agency.


The College of Business is organized into departments. In the following sections of this catalog, the majors, minors, and joint degree program offered by the college are explained; requirements are specified; and course descriptions are provided.

Academic Policies

1) Grade Point Average Requirements:

College of Business students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00, as well as the specified minimum Business grade point average for each major/minor: Accounting (2.20); Business Administration (2.20); Digital Marketing (2.20); Economics (2.20); Finance (2.20); Information Systems (2.20); Information Security Management (2.20); International Business (2.20); Marketing (2.20); Organizational Leadership (2.00); and Sport Management (2.00).

2) Proficiency Examinations:

Business experience or competencies may be recognized for college credit in place of coursework. The College of Business will certify business experience or competency only through a proficiency examination if it is determined that the student’s business experience or competency is comparable to coursework offered by the College of Business. A petition for a proficiency examination must be made during the student’s first or second semester at the University. A student may be granted proficiency examination credit in no more than two courses (6 credits).

3) Academic Honesty:

Students engaging in plagiarism, collusion or other forms of cheating or academic dishonesty are subject to a failing grade on the applicable quiz, examination, paper or project or a failing grade for the course. The penalty for an initial instance of plagiarism, collusion or other forms of cheating or academic dishonesty is determined by the instructor. A notation of the incident is placed on file.

Upon being informed of the instructor’s action, the student may appeal by submitting a letter with a detailed rationale for a lesser penalty to the department chair (or the dean if the instructor is also the department chair). The department chair (or the dean) will meet with the instructor to review the penalty imposed and the evidence supporting the charge of academic dishonesty and then respond in writing to the student’s appeal.

Upon being informed of the department chair’s determination of the appeal, the student may submit a letter of appeal to the dean, summarizing the action to date on the appeal and the student’s rationale for a lesser penalty. The dean will meet with the instructor to review the penalty imposed and the evidence supporting the charge of academic dishonesty and submit a recommendation in writing to the Provost, whose determination is final.

Students guilty of repeated instances of academic dishonesty are subject to expulsion from the University.

4) I (Incomplete) Grades:

Please see Incomplete Grade.

5) Pass/Fail Grading Option for Courses:

Students may take up to three credit hours under the Pass/Fail Grading Option in any academic term. A Pass/Fail Grading Application is not needed for a seminar that is graded exclusively on a pass/No credit basis. Completed Pass/Fail Grading Option Applications must be submitted by the student to the Office of the Registrar before the third Friday of the academic term. A Pass/Fail Grading Option Application is not complete until the student receives both the approval of the instructor and the permission of the dean

The Pass/Fail Grading Option is not available in any course required for a student’s major or for any course specified for a student’s General Education minor requirements.

Under the Pass/Fail Grading Option:

  • A student is responsible for attending and participating in all scheduled class activities and for completing all course requirements, including quizzes and examinations.
  • The instructor evaluates the student in the same manner as those students not taking the course under the Pass/Fail Grading Option; at the end of the course, instead of a standard letter grade, a “P” will be submitted for those students who have achieved a performance level of poor through excellent (“D” through “A”).
  • A “P” grade does not affect a student’s grade point average, but an “F” grade does.

6) Class Attendance:

Students are expected to attend all classes as part of the normal learning process. In addition, students must be especially consistent in attendance during the first 10 class days of the semester to confirm registration and to be listed on the official course roster. Students who fail to follow this procedure and who have not received prior approval from the instructor for absences will be officially dropped from the courses in question by certification of the instructor on the official class lists. This, however, does not release the student from the financial obligation with respect to the course.

Instructors may publish specific, additional standards of attendance for their classes in the course syllabus. Students may receive failing grades if they do not observe attendance requirements.

The Illinois Student Assistance Commission also requires attendance as a “demonstration of academic progress toward a degree.”

7) Major Field Test:

All College of Business students are required to complete the ETS Major Field Test (MFT) as a requirement for graduation.

8) Business Ethics:

All College of Business students are required to fulfill their Mission-based Actions and Values General Education Requirement by successfully completing one of the specially designated sections of Ethics (PHIL 33000) for Business Majors.

9) Coursework Away from Lewis University:

Once students have matriculated at Lewis University they may take courses at other colleges and universities to transfer back to Lewis only with the prior written approval of the dean of the college. Only grades of “C” or higher will transfer. In any case, the last 32 hours of credit applied toward graduation, including at least four upper-division courses in the major and two upper-division courses in the minor, must be taken at Lewis University. A maximum of 72 total semester hours of community college credits will be accepted for transfer. Once students have matriculated at Lewis University, courses required for the Business Core, Business Major or Business Minor must be taken at Lewis University.

Academic Programs

1) Internships:

The College of Business Internship Program provides an opportunity for students to earn academic credit for learning advanced business skills on the job. Internships are available to qualified College of Business majors every semester, including summer, in every major. For additional information please call the College of Business at 815.836.5348 or

At the beginning of the internship, the College of Business internship coordinator discusses the goals and objectives of the internship with both the student intern and the internship supervisor. The student intern must work a minimum of 200 hours in achieving these goals and objectives.

Upon completion of the internship, the student intern must submit a 10 to 20 page typed report summarizing the tasks performed and the skills learned during the internship.

The internship supervisor, upon completion of the internship, submits an Internship Performance Report. The internship supervisor’s Internship Performance Report and the student intern’s report constitute the final grade for the internship.

Although an internship can start at any time, not just at the beginning of any term, the final grade is submitted at the end of the term during which the internship is completed and the student intern’s report and the internship supervisor’s Internship Performance Report are submitted.

2) Seminars: 

Seminars are graded on a Pass/Fail or letter grade basis. 

All seminars are offered for both academic credit and/or non-credit. 

Students should consult with their advisor for a listing of current seminar topics.

3) Study Abroad Program:

Let the world be your classroom! Lewis University, in association with the Lasallian International Programs Consortium, offers a range of opportunities and locations around the globe. Students may study abroad for a semester, summer, or in short-term Travel Study programs while taking courses applicable to their major, minor, General Education, language, or elective requirements. Some programs also offer internships.

Studying abroad provides unique opportunities to learn about diverse issues and global topics by going beyond the classroom and experiencing them first-hand. While earning Lewis credit, meeting new people from around the world, observing different business practices, and learning about new cultures, students will be able to look at their own country and culture with new insight as well. Study abroad students not only gain valuable knowledge that they can use to further their personal and professional lives, but also become more responsible citizens of the world by having a better understanding of the diverse yet interconnected global community.

Travel Study
Lewis faculty members periodically organize university-approved educational programs to provide students the opportunity to travel and learn in different parts of the world. Sponsoring faculty offer courses or seminars that meet prior to departure, during the trip, and after returning to campus. The program travel, typically lasting 10-14 days, includes visits to relevant places, such as universities, historic sites, government agencies, businesses, museums, and organizations.

Semester and Summer Programs
Students attend college in another country for a summer or semester at one of Lewis’ partner institutions, earning credits at Lewis toward major, minor, General Education, or elective requirements. Before leaving for the host institution, students participate in orientation programs and register at Lewis. International opportunities include:

Australia – Fall or Spring.
China – Fall or Spring.
Ireland – Fall or Spring. Summer internship.
Italy – Fall, Spring, or Summer.
Japan – Fall
Poland – Fall or Spring
Spain – Fall, Spring, or Summer
United Kingdom – Fall, Spring, or Summer

Students may also study for a semester at another Lasallian university in the world through the One LaSalle Initiative. Host university locations include Brazil, Mexico, France, Spain, and the Philippines.

Basic eligibility for Lewis Study Abroad programs includes a minimum of a 3.0 GPA (2.75 for Travel Study programs) and sophomore, junior, or first-semester senior status at the time of participation. Most programs do not have language prerequisite and offer their courses in English. Early planning is critical to a successful study abroad experience so that all graduation requirements can be fulfilled prior to graduation date. Fees and costs are reasonably close to those of Lewis University, and financial aid may be applied in most cases. Applications and information are available on the Study Abroad website (

4) Student Organizations:

American Marketing Association (AMA)

The AMA Lewis Chapter is open to all majors. The AMA’s mission includes helping students learn more about the business world through sponsorship of corporate visits, guest speakers, timely publications and the development of relationships between campus peers and career professionals.

The AMA is a strategic resource for career growth and development. It offers students the opportunity to:

  1. Meet new people.
  2. Network with marketing professionals.
  3. Attend a wide variety of professional events.

For additional information please call the College of Business at 815.836.5348 or

Delta Sigma Pi

Delta Sigma Pi is a professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business at universities; to encourage scholarship, social activity and the association of students for their mutual advancement through research and practice; to promote affiliation between the commercial world and students of commerce; and to further a higher standard of commercial ethics and culture and the civic and commercial welfare of the community. Each spring, our Fraternity awards the Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key to the graduating student with the highest cumulative academic average toward a degree in business administration or economics. The Scholarship Key is awarded to the highest honors student, regardless of membership in Delta Sigma Pi. For additional information please call the College of Business at 815.836.5348 or


Economic and Finance Investment Club
Build friendships and hone your investing skills at Lewis University's Student Investment Club. Founded in 2006, the Student Investment Club enables membership to manage a portion of the University's endowment fund. For additional information please call the College of Business at 815.836.5348 or

Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA)
The ISACA -Lewis University Student Organization is dedicated to providing student members greater career insight and networking opportunities in the areas of Cybersecurity, information systems, information security risk optimization, IT audit and governance and compliance of computing systems. The organization is recognized by ISACA International and supported by the local ISACA Chicago chapter. For additional information please call the College of Business at 815.836.5348 or

Dean’s Executive Club
The College of Business Dean’s Scholars Executive Club program selectively invites accepted new full-time undergraduate students, who meets the eligibility requirements, and elects to enroll in one of the ten undergraduate business majors, to participate in this competitively awarded experience. Program participants are afforded special events to attend that are personalized to their interests as well as the opportunity to become engaged leaders within our campus community. All named Executive Club students, in good standing, will receive direct access and professional career and academic advising from within the Dean’s office in the College of Business.

The program features:
• Semester visits, arranged by the Dean, to select business venues throughout the greater Chicago region.
• Participation in a service trip with the Dean or another faculty member.
• Invitation to special job recruiting events and a reference letter from the dean for those completing the program with a 3.5 GPA or better.
• Automatic acceptance into the one-year full-time MBA program for those with a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or better at the end of their junior year – allowing accepted students to complete their BS and MBA in 5 years.

Additional benefits:
• Personalized one-on-one career counseling opportunities with the College of Business’ embedded Career Counselor.
• Mentorship opportunities available with senior leaders of business through the Lowell Stahl Center for Entrepreneurship & Real Estate.
• Priority access to premier internship opportunities – regionally, nationally and internationally.
• Complimentary subscriptions to the Harvard Business Review.
• Participation in a monthly luncheon, hosted by the Dean, with distinguished faculty covering current business topics.

Program Eligibility
Selected Dean’s Scholars must meet the following requirements:
Incoming freshmen
• ACT Composite 26 or higher
• High School GPA of 3.5/4.0 or higher
• Demonstration of strong leadership during their high school career
Transfer Students (with 64 credits accepted)
• Transfer GPA of 3.5/4.0 or higher
• May or may not have participated in a similar honors program or group at previous institution