Peace & Justice Studies / Bachelor of Arts
Total Credit Hours: 128
Major Credit Hours: 36
Peace and Justice Studies
Peace and Justice Studies (PJS) is an interdisciplinary program housed in the Theology Department through which students acquire knowledge and skills of interfaith and intercultural just peacebuilding in order to create beloved community. PJS students practice the art of peacebuilding through community engagement in ways that are intentionally self-reflective, anti-racist and evolving.
Eighteen credits of interdisciplinary core courses situate PJS majors in the theory, practices and art of just peacebuilding. Students learn to embrace the dignity of difference within communities and, in relationship, perceive injustices in need of transformation. Five Pathways have been identified for students to focus their elective course selections (18 credits) while remaining flexible to complement students’ unique personal and professional aspirations. Those pathways are – conflict transformation; restorative/transformative justice; human rights and equitable development; women/gender equity and inclusion; and interfaith/ intercultural bridgebuilding.
Like the PJS major, PJS minors will take 10 credits of core courses that situate them in the theory and practices of just peacebuilding. Based on students’ major(s) and personal, professional goals, they will take 12 credits of electives chosen from among 13 partner disciplines. Peace and Justice Studies is an excellent companion to various majors and career objectives (some of which are named below).
Interdisciplinary Program: Partner disciplines within the PJS program are: Communications; Education; English Studies; Environmental Science; History; Justice, Law and Public Safety Studies; Philosophy; Political science; Psychology; Social Work; Sociology; Theatre; and Theology.
Careers in Peace and Justice Studies include, but are not limited to – negotiation, mediation, political office, legislative reform, education, community organizing, human rights advocacy, environmental protection, interfaith dialogue, law, victim/offender advocacy, and restorative justice.
Degree Requirements
Program: BA-PJST-4
I. Required Courses (18)
II. Electives in Peace & Justice Studies (18)
Select an additional 18 credit hours from a variety of Peace & Justice Studies courses. Electives must represent at least two different disciplines within the pathway options listed. The specific choice of pathway is discerned with the advice and consent of an advisor from the Peace & Justice Studies program. Please refer to the University Course Schedule for specific offerings each semester.
A. Select one interpersonal, spiritual, and/or familial peacebuilding course (3)
B. Select two or three local, regional, and/or systemic peacebuilding courses (6-9)
C. Select two or three national, multinational, and/or global peacebuilding courses (6-9)