
Lewis University determines a student’s academic standing according to the grade point system. Grades and quality points awarded are listed below.

Grade Point Average

The Grade Point Average (GPA) is determined by dividing the total number of credit hours a student has attempted into the total number of quality points earned. The grades of “P,” “AU,” “I,” and “W” do not enter into the calculation of the GPA. The grade of “F” earned in a pass/fail course is included in the calculation of the GPA. Grades earned at other colleges or universities are not included in calculating the GPA.





Quality Points




4.0 per credit hour

in GPA


3.7 per credit hour



3.3 per credit hour


3.0 per credit hour


2.7 per credit hour



2.3 per credit hour


2.0 per credit hour



1.7 per credit hour


1.3 per credit hour


1.0 per credit hour


0.7 per credit hour



0.0 per credit hour



0.0 per credit hour

to Failing







in GPA
Transfer Credit Accepted





Dean’s List

Every semester, the Colleges publish a Dean’s List of Honor Students. To be eligible, a student must have completed at least 12 hours during the semester, with a grade point average of at least 3.5 and with no “D” or “F” grades. A grade of Incomplete (I) will cause a student’s name to be omitted from the Dean’s List. Credit hours taken on a pass/fail basis are not included among the 12 hours needed to be eligible for the Dean’s List of Honor Students.

Incomplete Grade

If a student who has completed the majority of the requirements of a course is unable to complete that course because of documented compelling circumstances, he or she may request that the instructor award a grade of "I." It is up to the instructor to accept or deny the request based on the student's progress in the course and the seriousness of the circumstances which prevent the student from completing it. An approval of the College Dean may be required.

To earn credit for the course, the student must successfully complete all remaining requirements within the course, as specified by the instructor. The instructor must then submit a change of grade for the student. For incomplete grades earned in the Fall semester, the deadline for successful completion of all course requirements and submission of the grade change by the faculty will be the following March 1st. For Spring and Summer semesters, the deadline for successful completion of all course requirements and submission of the grade change by the faculty will be the following October 15th.
If a student is on academic probation and receives an "I" for a course, he or she will not be able to enroll in additional courses in the academic program until the course is completed and a grade is assigned, except if granted explicit permission by the program director or chair. "I" grades are not permitted in a graduating semester.

Prior to the stated deadline, the student may request a renewal of the incomplete grade. Official renewal of an incomplete grade may be granted only with permission of the course instructor and approval of the Chair of the Department and Dean of the College that offers the course. Failure to meet the stated deadline or obtain an official renewal of the incomplete grade will result in an automatic grade change from "I" to "IF," with zero credit granted for the course.

Incomplete Grade

If a student who has completed the majority of the requirements of a course is unable to complete that course because of documented compelling circumstances, he or she may request that the instructor award a grade of "I." It is up to the instructor to accept or deny the request based on the student's progress in the course and the seriousness of the circumstances which prevent the student from completing it. An approval of the College Dean may be required.

To earn credit for the course, the student must successfully complete all remaining requirements within the course, as specified by the instructor. The instructor must then submit a change of grade for the student. For incomplete grades earned in the Fall semester, the deadline for successful completion of all course requirements and submission of the grade change by the faculty will be the following March 1st. For Spring and Summer semesters, the deadline for successful completion of all course requirements and submission of the grade change by the faculty will be the following October 15th.
If a student is on academic probation and receives an "I" for a course, he or she will not be able to enroll in additional courses in the academic program until the course is completed and a grade is assigned, except if granted explicit permission by the program director or chair.

Prior to the stated deadline, the student may request a renewal of the incomplete grade. Official renewal of an incomplete grade may be granted only with permission of the course instructor and approval of the Chair of the Department and Dean of the College that offers the course. Failure to meet the stated deadline or obtain an official renewal of the incomplete grade will result in an automatic grade change from "I" to "IF," with zero credit granted for the course.

Change of Grade

The only reason for which a change of grade may be requested is an error in the original recording of the grade. Students are obliged to check their grade reports and consult with their instructors if there is a question of error. A change of grade must be made in the first six weeks of the semester following that in which the course was taken. A change of grade will not affect the status of a student dismissed for academic deficiency, unless the error is brought to the attention of the Faculty Academic Appeals Committee at the time the dismissal hearing is held.

A change of grade requires the approval of both the instructor and the appropriate college dean. To appeal a grade, see the Grade Appeal Process.

Repeated Courses

Any course taken at the University may be repeated for a higher grade, except those restricted by a major department or a college. Both courses and grades will appear on the permanent record, but only the most recent grade (whether higher or lower than the previous grade) and its corresponding hours attempted, hours earned, and quality points will be honored. The most recent course attempt is used for determining progress toward graduation; the prior attempt is ignored. Credit will be given only once for the course. The grades “W” or “I” on the second attempt do not replace the previous grade.

Additional Information for Nursing Students
Students who earn a grade of “D” or “W” in any required nursing course at any level must repeat that course prior to moving to another level of nursing coursework. Students who earn a grade of “F” in any required nursing course at any level will be dismissed from the College of Nursing and Health Sciences. Students who earn two “D” grades or receive two “W” grades in required nursing courses (two “D” or “W” grades in one course, or one “D” or “W” grade in each of two courses) will be dismissed from the College of Nursing and Health Sciences. Students must receive a grade of “C” in required science courses to progress to the next semester in the program. Students who receive only one failing grade in a science (C-, D, F, or W), will be allowed to repeat that course once. Science theory and science labs are counted as separate classes. Upon a second failed science, or if the student fails or withdraws from both theory and lab during the semester, the student will be notified that he/she has been academically dismissed from the nursing major. A student may repeat a required general education support course in which he/she earns a “C-”, “D”, “F”, or “W” only once and if the student does not earn a minimum of a “C” on the second attempt he/she will be academically dismissed from the nursing major. Dismissal from the College of Nursing and Health Sciences does not necessarily result in dismissal from the University.

Grade Report

Grade reports may be obtained online at Students with special requests may contact the Office of the Registrar for assistance after grades have been posted.


The transcript is the academic record of the student. It contains all courses taken at Lewis University and the corresponding grades, credits attempted, credits earned, and quality points, as well as the grade point average. Approved transfer credits are also on the transcript with only the course title and credits earned listed. The transcript is updated after each semester to include coursework for that semester. The Office of the Registrar safeguards the transcript. The University adheres to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, with regard to information contained on the student transcript. Students may review their transcripts at the Office of the Registrar. Official copies are available, for a fee, upon written request by the student. Current and prior students will not receive an official transcript until all financial obligations to the University, including but not limited to tuition, fees, and fines, have been completely satisfied.

Transcripts from Other Institutions

Student transcripts from previously-attended institutions that were provided for admission consideration become the property of Lewis University and are considered official only at the time of receipt. Lewis University does not provide copies of transcripts from other institutions (nor allow to be copied) that are part of a student's education record. In order to obtain accurate up-to-date information and assure that no protocol of the issuing institution is circumvented, a student must contact the originating school for a copy of that transcript.

Class Standing

Class standing is determined according to the number of credit hours earned:







90 and above
