Air University Associate to Baccalaureate Cooperative Program (AU-ABC)

The Lewis University Air University to Baccalaureate Cooperate (AU-ABC) partnership facilitates a direct pathway to Lewis University for men and women who are completing an Associates of Applied Science (AAS) degree at the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF).

  • Upon matriculation, AU-ABC students’ remaining degree requirements will not exceed 60 credit hours. 

  • Students can transfer all 64 credit hours earned through their AAS and up to 72 hours of credit earned through CCAF and General Education Mobile (GEM) programs.

  • Transfer credits will fulfil specific general education, major, and general elective credit requirements.

  • AU-ABC students must complete at least 32 credit hours of Lewis University coursework.  These hours do not have to be completed during the last year or semester at Lewis.

  • AU-ABC students are encouraged to submit their Joint Services Transcript, if applicable.  Prior Learning Assessment credit will be awarded to students at matriculation.