FINA - Finance
Practical and conceptual problems associated with financial management in business planning, obtaining, and utilizing of funds are the focus of this course.
ACCT 12000 and MATH 17000, MATH 23000, or MATH 20000
This course covers financial statement analysis, bankruptcy and reorganization, working capital policy and short-term credit, receivables and inventory management and mergers and acquisitions.
FINA 20000
Students study the use of futures, options and swaps for hedging and speculation. Pricing theory is also introduced.
FINA 20000
This course focuses on an individual's total financial plan. It covers such diverse topics as investing, insurance, real estate, employee benefits, budgeting, taxes and estate planning.
FINA 20000
This seminar will introduce the student to the many stages of capital formation for new businesses. Special emphasis will be placed on the venture capital process and the initial public offering. Also included will be small case studies on how to value a closely held business and the special risks facing such organizations.
The seminar will introduce students to the World of Investing. Risk and return, alternative investment, mutual funds, and retirement planning will be emphasized. Students will become investment literate and will understand how to plan for retirement and how to structure their retirement portfolio.
The purpose of this seminar is to help business students and professionals systematically analyze business situations and avoid the traps that lead to bad thinking. The seminar will also help the professional better assess the role of business in society, analyze the claims of "experts" and identify business opportunities. Among the diverse topics covered in the seminar are: how to identify flaws in business reasoning, analyzing the total cost of a business transaction from the business' and the customer's standpoint, a new way to look at pricing and how externalities and risk-sharing impact business decisions.
Overview of security trading including mechanics of leverage and short selling. Fundamental equity analysis and portfolio management is also introduced, including efficient market concepts. Additionally, bond analysis and duration concepts are covered.
FINA 20000
Students explore the role of finance in the global markets with emphasis on exchange rates and decision-making by managers of multinational enterprises.
FINA 20000
The course utilizes spreadsheet software, Microsoft Excel, in order to implement financial theories and methodologies. Students will learn the practical application and visualization of corporate finance and investments in Microsoft Excel.
FINA 30000, FINA 41000, and senior status
This internship is designed to provide students with controlled on-the-job experience with participating businesses, industries and governmental organizations. Students may be eligible for an internship with jobs they currently have. A limited number of internships/jobs are also available through the internship coordinator.
Finance major, Junior or Senior status, 3.00 GPA or above and consent of internship coordinator
This internship is designed to provide students with controlled on-the-job experience with participating businesses, industries and governmental organizations. Students may be eligible for an internship with their current position if it has an international emphasis and is approved by the Internship Coordinator. A limited number of internships/jobs are also available through the internship coordinator.
Finance major, Junior or Senior status, 3.00 GPA or above and consent of internship coordinator and the director of the International Business program
Students do independent reading and research in Finance.
Finance major, Senior status, 3.00 GPA or above, and a signed Independent Study Form
This course covers the use of financial statements in analyzing a firm and its securities. Topics will include income statement and balance sheet analysis, cash flow analysis, financial ratio analysis, earnings computations, and industry analysis.
FINA 20000 and FINA 30000