BSAD - Business Administration

BSAD-50800 Contemporary Management Practice

This course introduces students to basic theories and principles of management. Emphasis is on effective organizational management practices and change strategies. Case problems and individual development tools will be used. Equivalent: Three semester hours of Principles of Management.

BSAD-52000 Fundamentals of the Business Enterprise

Includes the following components: Accounting and Budgeting for Managers. This workshop will provide concepts, techniques and tools for making fiscally sound decisions pay off on the job and on the bottom line. Get a firm grasp of the numbers side of your job and gain greater confidence with a working knowledge of the numbers end of the business. Take the guesswork out of your decision making and deliver better bottom-line results. This program is designed for non-financial managers in every functional area of responsibility, in all industry types, in both the public and private sectors. Finance for Managers. This two-day workshop component will help participants increase their understanding of revenue or expense budgets and financial statements and build an appreciation for the financial impact of their business decisions. Topics include how to identify the factors influencing a company’s cash flow and profitability and describing key financial and accounting terms and principles. Marketing Fundamentals. This workshop considers the "Four Ps" of the marketing mix (product, place, promotion and price) as well as strategies that guide their use. Students are introduced to the case study method as a means of applying and reinforcing marketing principles.

BSAD-54400 International Management

Why do companies selling similar products adopt different strategies? Under what kind of conditions and circumstances are some strategies more appropriate than others? When is the same successful strategy in one country likely to be successful in another country? How do we know which management strategies to choose and when? This is an advanced management course that tries to answer these and other questions related to doing business in the global marketplace. It is also an introduction to the field of international management. It highlights some of the challenges international managers typically encounter and encompasses a wide range of international management related topics.



BSAD-54600 Business-Government Relations in the Global Economy

An introduction to business-government relations within the context of a changing global economic and political environment. This course is about how national and local governments around the world go about influencing national and international economies, how businesses are affected, and how businesses can and do react to government involvement in the economy in different parts of the world. Different political and economic ideologies and perspectives are introduced. The role of government and the extent to which government gets involved in national economies and how that involvement affects businesses are discussed. We will also analyze how businesses are affected operating in selected European, Asian, and Latin American countries. The student will also be introduced to political risk and country risk analysis.

BSAD-55800 Human Resources Management

The goal of this course is to enable students to understand the role of the human resources department. This includes recruiting and selecting, training and development, industrial relations, compensation techniques and strategies.


BSAD 50800

BSAD-56500 Designing, Managing and Improving Operations

This course has several basic themes that build on the base knowledge of operations management. The focus of this course includes several modules: process efficiency and responsiveness; enabling technologies and improvement strategies; managing operations in the new economy; concepts of an operations strategy and creating and capturing value in operations.


BSAD 50800 and INSY 56200

BSAD-58800 Employment Law

This course emphasizes current employment law. Major focus is on understanding, interpreting and making employment decisions in light of relevant laws. Contemporary employment issues, such as job discrimination, employment contracts and collective bargaining will be included.


BSAD 50800

BSAD-60100 Legal, Social and Ethical Foundations of Business

This course examines some important areas of law governing behavior in the business community. Students develop an understanding of how policy considerations and social and ethical values become articulated in specific legal terminology. Topics covered include contract law, regulatory law, sales law, paper law, corporation law, agency and employment, environment and community planning, consumer protection and ethical considerations. Note: Students who have completed undergraduate courses in Business Law 1 and Business Law 2 with a grade of B or higher in both may waive this course and substitute another course in the MBA program from Phase III.


BSAD-61100 Managerial Communication

This workshop course enables students to integrate communication theory and apply the various forms of written and oral communication skills required in business settings. Extensive practical application of the diverse forms of business communication with the aid of technology include written memos, e-mail messages, meeting management, collaborative reports and the incorporation of graphics. Multicultural aspects of the course include describing the challenges of international and cross-cultural business communication. Enhancing oral presentations with the use of multimedia PowerPoint slides is also covered. This course should be completed as early as possible in the program.

BSAD-61500 International Business and the Global Environment

This course explores the increasing economic interdependence among countries, the spread of innovation around the world, and how this affects business operating in the global marketplace. Through case analysis, the political, cultural, economic, legal, technological and other environmental forces that accompany this diffusion are discussed in light of the cross-border flow of goods, services, capital, and knowledge.


ACCT 50100, ECON 50200, BSAD 50800, MKTG 51000, and FINA 51200

BSAD-62000 Strategic Management in the Global Environment

This capstone course in the MBA curriculum enables a student to integrate the expertise gained in all other courses in the development of strategy and supportive policies for a business operating under global competitive conditions. This course must be the last course taken in the core course phase.


ACCT 55000, ECON 55400, MKTG 56800, FINA 57200, BSAD 60100, BSAD 61100 and BSAD 61500

BSAD-62100 Strategic Management for Managers

Identifies strategic management areas for organizations and evaluates these in terms of changing environments. Develops skills in strategic planning, alignment of mission, vision, strategies, goals and objectives. Evaluates financial statements as part of a competitive analysis. Examines these processes in terms of future opportunities and the realities of strategic management. This course develops expertise in strategy development and implementation.

BSAD-63000 Organizational Behavior and Development

This course provides students with a study of organizational development applying principles and techniques of behavioral sciences through a program of planned change. Students are expected to master underlying theories of organizations, motivation, group learning and leadership effectiveness.


BSAD 50800

BSAD-68000 Executive Management Practicum - Masters Paper/Project

(only available to MSM students) Students will have a choice of a Thesis (recommended if the MA is not the terminal degree for the student), an Applied Project, a Conceptual Model Study, an Industry Analysis, or other applied projects with application to the students’ interests, career employment or relevancy to individual goals. Students design and carry out a research project that includes the gathering and analysis of data. A written report is required that identifies the research methods utilized, project results, and a comprehensive analysis of conclusions. Student will work with Program Director and Faculty member to complete this project.