ORGL-53900 Conflict Management

Content of the course will focus both on cognitive skills (knowledge of the theories and strategies) and behavioral skills (enacting various strategies). The course also includes assessment tools whereby students can gain a greater understanding of their usual strategy along with its strengths and weaknesses. Critical thinking skills must be applied in the course. A mark of a leader is the ability to know when to go against prevailing thinking. So, while various "lists" may be introduced during the course, students are expected to challenge those lists and ascertain what is valuable in them and what is not. The course is not designed to resolve all conflicts. Using real life case studies, this course explores the theories, practices, and issues involved in managing conflict in interpersonal and intergroup settings. Also discussed are methods available to leaders to use conflict to advance their organization. Psychometric instrument used in this course: Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument.
