NURS-72000 Research Design and Measurement for Evidence-Based Practice

This course addresses research design and measurement principles for the integration of research into evidence-based practice. Students critically appraise literature related to the planning and measuring of outcomes for a Scholarly Project.


Graduate Level Statistics Course

NURS-73000 Healthcare Ethics

This course explores ethical issues inherent in organizations, nursing practice, leadership, and clinical research. Strategies will be identified to lead the healthcare team through complex ethical and legal issues related to professional practice responsibilities and emerging research and technology advances. Students will analyze the relationships among ethical, legal, regulatory issues, and leadership in order to advocate for social justice, equality, and the development of ethical polices at the organizational and systems levels.

NURS-74000 Healthcare Policy

This course is designed to develop skills, techniques, and approaches for the critical analysis of health policy proposals, health policies implementation, and related issues with the intent to prepare the DNP students to engage in creating more effective policy development strategies and solutions. Health policy and political frameworks are analyzed through organizational, institutional, governmental, and/or international perspectives. Current health policy is addressed from the perspective of available evidence and economic impact within a socio-political context. Policy contribution, innovative problem solving, and strategies from the DNP leadership perspective are emphasized.

NURS-76000 Financial and Strategic Management for Healthcare Decision Makers

This course examines the financial and strategic management principles and tools the nurse leader utilizes in order to influence evolving care delivery systems. Students utilize economic principles, financial analysis, and business skills as a foundation in strategic planning and decision making for healthcare initiatives.

NURS-77000 Quality and Safety Science in Healthcare

This course addresses the principles of quality and safety science and their application to clinical practice development and organizational leadership.  Students formulate, implement and evaluate healthcare performance goals and measure outcomes. The course examines the relationship between policy development and performance management.


NURS 53600 or a Graduate Level Healthcare Informatics Course

NURS-79000 DNP Scholarly Project Planning

Students produce available evidence to demonstrate the need for a project, design a doctoral practice proposal related to a selected population of interest for this project, and create a detailed project plan for implementation and evaluation.  A three-member faculty advisory committee is selected at this time.  Students are required to defend their DNP proposal.


NURS 72000

NURS-79200 DNP Scholarly Project Implementation

Students implement a doctoral nursing practice project related to an aggregate of individuals/selected population of interest. This course entails a total of 168 clock hours of practicum time.


NURS 79000; Successful defense of project proposal

NURS-79300 DNP Scholarly Project Evaluation and Dissemination

Students analyze and disseminate findings from the doctoral nursing practice project. Students are required to successfully defend their project.


NURS 79200; Can also be taken as a co-requisite course

NURS-79600 DNP Residency

The DNP residency is an individualized collaborative experience with a preceptor, the student, and the faculty member which takes into account the student's professional goals, area of specialization, and expected leadership competencies of the DNP graduate. The experience is guided by an individualized learning contract which is implemented within the context of the student’s area of specialization. This course provides the student with the opportunity to design and deliver evidence-based care, to demonstrate leadership in supporting evidence-based practice, and to function as a consultant. This course is taken in 3 semester hour (SH) blocks of credit to meet hour requirements. 1SH = 56 clock hours.
Minimum of 6 credits equivalent to 336 clock hours repeatable. (Each DNP student must complete a minimum of 1000 hours for DNP residency minus up to 496 for residency hours acquired in their MSN degree and 168 hours from the DNP Scholarly Project Implementation.)



Departmental Permission and minimum of 1 DNP-level course