AVTR-58800 Technical Writing for Aviation and Transportation

In this course, we will pursue technical writing competency and excellence within Aviation and Transportation professions. We will survey the various types of technical writing opportunities that exist in these fields to study, practice, and revise how technical processes are communicated by professionals. We will work toward honing skills in technical communication through the study of audience, purpose, and ethics. The core of this course revolves around using rhetorical problem-solving principles based in technical communication and applying them to diverse professional writing tasks and situations. Genres are not static, and the writing you will do in this class will not automatically be transferable to every instance of technical writing you conduct in your career. Instead we will focus on learning skills that are adaptable and transferable in varied rhetorical situations within (and outside of) your workplace. By the close of the course, you will develop skills and strategies for documenting technical processes, researching and optimizing users' experiences, and communicating them to other professionals in and outside of your field.
