BSAD-61100 Managerial Communication

This workshop course enables students to integrate communication theory and apply the various forms of written and oral communication skills required in business settings. Extensive practical application of the diverse forms of business communication with the aid of technology include written memos, e-mail messages, meeting management, collaborative reports and the incorporation of graphics. Multicultural aspects of the course include describing the challenges of international and cross-cultural business communication. Enhancing oral presentations with the use of multimedia PowerPoint slides is also covered. This course should be completed as early as possible in the program.

BSAD-67200 Graduate Business Practicum (CPT) for International Students

International graduate students may engage in temporary employment for the purpose of gaining practical experience directly related to their major field of study.  Practicum fulfilling the Curricular Practical Training must be approved by the Program Director prior to registration, after an evaluation of the employment request and suitability of employer relative to the student’s major area of study.