ECEN-69700 Master's Project

This course is the capstone experience for students pursuing the non-thesis option in the MSECE program. Students will design, develop, implement and analyze the performance of a solution for a real-world problem related to the area of Electrical and/or Computer Engineering. Students are expected to apply formal engineering design process methodologies to develop, document, and present project results. This course is repeatable and can be taken in 1-6 credit hour chunks; students in the non-thesis option must accumulate at least six credit hours of the Master’s Project course in order to graduate.


ECEN 52300, and a minimum of 15 credit hours earned in the MSECE program

ECEN-69800 Master's Thesis

Students design and conduct research in the area of Electrical and/or Computer Engineering. Students will work closely with a faculty adviser to produce a publication-worthy document to be formally presented to a panel of faculty and peers. This course is repeatable and can be taken in 1-6 credit hour chunks; students in the thesis option must accumulate at least six credit hours of the Master’s Thesis course in order to graduate.


ECEN 52300, and approval of the MSECE program director