78 - Social Work

78-100 Introduction to Social Work

As an introduction to the social work professional, this course includes the historical development, diversity of services, key concepts, professional values, orientation, ethics and standards of social work. It focuses on the terminology and broader systems of social welfare, identifies key concepts as they relate to various human services systems, and provides a foundation for subsequent competency-focused courses.


78-209 Social Welfare Policy

Introduction to social welfare systems from a macro perspective, including both historical and contemporary issues. Provides students with an analytic framework for identifying social welfare policies and the processes through which these policies are formulated and implemented.



Prerequisite or Concurrent enrollment: 78-100 Introduction to Social Work; 04-200 Basic Macroeconomics or 04-195 American Economy; 18-200 American National Government or 18-210 State and Local Government.

78-215 Cultural Sensitivity in Social Work Practice

This course provides the knowledge and skills necessary to identify and work with populations experiencing oppression and discrimination. This course examines perspectives and information related to multiple dimensions, including race, disability, age, gender, religion, and sexual orientation and provides entry-level skill development in applying cultural sensitivity to work with clients.



Prerequisite or Concurrent enrollment: 20-290 Cultural Diversity and Intergroup Relations.

78-250 Human Behavior and the Social Environment I

This course provides students with a basic framework for identifying individual human development throughout the life cycle. Students learn the principles and terminology of empirically-based theories related to the life cycle, from conception to old age. Emphasis is placed on intervention strategies that attempt to resolve problems at each developmental stage.



Prerequisite or Concurrent enrollment: 78-100 Introduction to Social Work; 02-108 Introduction to Human Biology.

78-251 Human Behavior in the Social Environment II

This course is a continuation of 78-250 Human Behavior and the Social Environment I and is designed to provide a basic framework for identifying human behavior within the context of social systems. Students learn the principles of and terminology related to systems theory. Emphasis is placed on using systems theory as a means to identify how individuals function within larger systems, such as families, groups, organizations and communities.



Prerequisite: 78-250 HBSE I.Prerequisite or Concurrent enrollment: 10-112 Introduction to Human Communication.

78-295 Community Service Experience

This course allows students to experience and observe first-hand social work services delivered in communities. Learning objectives vary based upon the setting, and the experience is arranged with approval from the Department Chair.



78-100 Introduction to Social Work.

78-300 Chemical Dependency: Diagnosis and Treatment

This course provides students with knowledge and skills regarding interventions with chemically dependent clients and their family members in a variety of settings. Students acquire a clinical understanding of chemical dependency and recovery issues. Non-majors in related disciplines are welcomed to enroll in this course.


78-302 Practice 1: Methods of Interventions with Individuals

Introduction to the principles and practices of both a bio-psycho-social and spiritual systems theory and their relevance in the provision of direct services to individuals and families. Service, social justice, the dignity and worth of the person, the importance of human relationships, integrity, competence, human rights, and scientific inquiry as core values of the social work profession are introduced in the course. There is a significant writing component in this course.



Prerequisite or Concurrent enrollment: 15-330 Ethics; 78-250 Human Behavior and the Social Environment I.

78-304 Crisis Intervention

Approaches to identifying, assessing and working with clients experiencing crisis in their lives. Several types of crisis examples and a variety of at-risk client populations are analyzed and intervention alternatives are presented. Non-majors in related disciplines are welcomed to enroll in this course.


78-309 Practice 2: Methods of Intervention with Families and Groups

This course is designed to introduce students to the theory of family and group work.  The emphasis of this course is on the development of beginning level practice skills. This course focuses on the acquisition of specific skills needed in the design and implementation of support, education and counseling services. Family and group facilitation skills will focus on listening, confrontation, and conflict management. The advanced writing requirement of the General Education curriculum is successfully completed in this course.



78-302 Practice 1. Prerequisite or Concurrent enrollment: 10-112 Introduction to Human Communication.

78-310 Practice 3: Methods of Intervention in Communities and Organizations

This course is designed to introduce students to the systems/ecological theory and interventions used in providing direct services to diverse populations, communities and organizations. Building on knowledge of group dynamics, students will demonstrate skills in group design and implementation. The emphasis of this course is on synthesizing knowledge and skills from ethics, cultural diversity, family and group dynamics, and social policy. There is a significant writing component in this course.



Prerequisite: 78-209 Social Welfare Policy. Prerequisite or Concurrent enrollment: 78-309 Practice II.

78-312 Loss and Mourning

Introduces the student to the signs and affects related to grief and bereavement and develops counseling, grieving processes and skills in responding to those experiencing loss and mourning. Non-majors in related disciplines are welcomed to enroll in this course. Non-majors in related disciplines are welcomed to enroll in this course.


78-317 Social Services for the Elderly

Provides an overview of social services provided for the elderly. Emphasis is given to the independent living programs, nursing home care, and hospice care for the elderly.


78-350 Workshops in Social Work

This series of workshops covers topics of interest and importance to both students and experienced professionals. Workshops focus more heavily on practical than theoretical issues and are open to all interested students at the University. All workshops are pass/fail.


78-389 Workshops in Social Work

This series of workshops covers topics of interest and importance to both students and experienced professionals. Workshops focus more heavily on practical than theoretical issues and are open to all interested students at the University. All workshops are pass/fail.


78-399 Independent Study

Course content and area of study are determined by the student, in consultation with the faculty member supervising the independent study.



78-100 Introduction to Social Work and Consent of the Department Chair.

78-496 Research in Social Work

This course introduces students to the purposes, goals and logic of research methods. The course is oriented toward providing students with basic research skills that can be used in critiquing the research of others and in learning how to evaluate the student's own practice in the future. The course also explains and illustrates the use of research in advocating for new programming, funding, and policy on behalf of at risk-populations. The advanced writing requirement of the General Education Curriculum is successfully completed in this course.



Prerequisite or Concurrent enrollment: 15-330 Ethics.

78-497 Field Work Seminar

This course is designed to integrate theory, principles and values with actual practice. Students take this course concurrently with the field work internship, relating prior classroom learning as it is applied and using different methods in a variety of fields of practice. The course provides students an opportunity to demonstrate that they can fully integrate academic knowledge with direct, professional responsibilities. Emphasis is placed on students' evaluating their own professional performance.



Consent of Field Education Director. Prerequisite or Concurrent enrollment: 78-310 Practice III; 78-496 Research in Social Work.,Concurrent enrollment in 78-498 Field Work Internship.

78-498 Field Work Internship

This course reinforces social work knowledge and values by providing 450 hours of experience in community agencies during the semester. Students and designated field work instructors, supported by a university field education director, design an experience that integrates and enhances course work and promotes entry into the social work profession. Students work and learning experience is directed by the field work instructor in collaboration with the department's field education director.



Consent of Field Education Director.,Prerequisite or Concurrent enrollment: 78-310 Practice III; 78-496 Research in Social Work.,Concurrent enrollment in 78-497 Field Work Seminar. ,,