LB - Business Admininstration ITM Management

LB-200 Principles of Management and Leadership

Historical development of management; universal functions of management; strategic management; organizational theory; managerial communication; and control of operations.


LB-250 Business Law I

An introduction to the law affecting business and individuals with a focus on contracts (legality, formality and interpretation, nature and transfer, discharge, breach and remedies) and negotiable instruments (their use and significance).


LB-300 Business Communication in the Digital Age

Extensive practical application of diverse forms of written and oral business communication with the aid of technology. Topics include writing memos, reports, email messages; using multimedia Power-Point slides in presentations; facilitating business meetings; creating electronic resumes; using online discussion groups; and handling the challenges of international and cross-cultural communications.



LN-112 and 90+ Earned Credit Hours.

LB-331 Principles of Commercial Real Estate

This survey course provides an overview of land acquisition/site analysis, building design and public approvals, legal, market analysis, project management, leasing and financing for a commercial real estate project. Industrial real estate brokerage, land development and the effects of local and regional labor markets on commercial real estate are also included in the course.



All construction prerequisite courses; LB-250.

LB-355 Service Management

Managing a value-added service business; customer expectations of service and quality; use of the Internet and related technology to transform businesses; interplay between managerial, personnel, and technology issues that will shape the future of business; identification of emerging forms of business models observable on the Web; analysis of management practices using case studies. Organizational applications illustrate consumer-to-business, business-to-business, and intra-organizational electronic commerce ramifications.




LB-360 Human Resource Management

Personnel recruiting, selection, orientation, placement, training and development; performance evaluation; wage and salary administration; employee benefits; and safety and health issues.




LB-368 Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship

The fundamentals of starting and operating a successful small business are studied; students learn how to develop a business plan incorporating principles of accounting, finance, marketing, management, promotion, location analysis, and other related factors. The formation of new enterprises as well as operational and organizational aspects of managing a small business will be included in the course.



All construction or hospitality prerequisite courses (depending on the student's major); LB-200.

LB-375 Organizational Behavior

Human behavior in the organization and how it affects and is affected by management; organizational psychology; corporate culture; and individual, group, and intergroup relationships.




LB-380 Supervisory Management

Skill-building course stressing supervisory competencies: self-assessment, time and stress management, creative problem solving, motivation and performance, conflict management, power and influence, and team building. Emphasis on in-class group exercises.




LB-420 International Business

An introduction to the challenges and opportunities of managing a business internationally (human resource management, marketing, accounting, finance, etc.) within the context of a global environment (political, economic, cultural, technological, competitive, and financial forces). Introduces the different types of international and marketing entry strategies; and cases and research projects. Emphasis on student participation and the integration of knowledge and skills learned in other courses.



LB-200, LM-200, LF-200, and LE-200.

LB-450 Current Issues in Management and Business Ethics

Students study current management and ethical issues using various techniques in a seminar setting. Emphasis is on student participation and integrating knowledge gained from previous management courses. This course should be completed as one of the student's final business courses.



LB-200, LB-375 and 90+ Earned Credit Hours.

LB-460 Strategic Management: Theories and Applications

Strategic management process E-Business; analysis, implementation, and evaluation; emphasis on developing strategic thinking and defending strategic change; case method used; and qualitative and quantitative analysis of financial ratios for management decision making; a capstone course to be completed as one of the student's final business courses.



LA-121, LM-200, LB-360, LB-420, LF-200, LG-200 and 90+ Earned Credit Hours.