47-402 Fiscal Aspects of Transportation

This course provides an introduction to financial management problems encountered in transportation management. Topics covered include basic accounting, financial management principles, cash flow analysis, budgeting and financial statement analysis.



61-200, Accounting, and Economics option.

47-407 Fundamentals of Instruction

This course is designed to cover the principles of instruction, including the learning process, human behavior, effective communication, teaching methods, critique and evaluation. This course also assists students in preparing for the FAA Fundamentals of Instructing written exam. Meets requirements of 14 CFR 141.



FAA Commercial Pilot Certificate.

47-408 Flight Instructor Airplane (CFI-A) Ground School

The course is designed to cover the principles of teaching, as well as the principles of flight instruction, including maneuvers. This course also assists students in preparing for the FAA Certificated Flight Instructor written exam. Meets requirements of 14 CFR 141.



47-331, 47-332.

47-409 Flight Instructor Airplane (CFI-A) Flight Lab

Students obtain the aeronautical skill and experience necessary to meet the requirements for a Certified Flight Instructor certificate with an airplane category rating and single-engine class rating. Students also obtain the instructional knowledge required to teach, including the ability to recognize, analyze, and correct of common student errors. The credit hours will post to the student's transcript upon completion of the FAA Certified Flight Instructor Airplane practical exam.


47-420 Flight Instructor Instrument (CFI-I) Ground

This course is designed to prepare the student to teach instrument flying. It also assists the student in preparing to take the FAA Certified Flight Instructor - Instrument written exam. Meets requirements of 14 CFR 141.



47-231,47-232, 47-331, 47-332.

47-421 Flight Instructor Instrument (CFI-I) Flight Lab

Student obtain the aeronautical skill and experience necessary to teach the principles of attitude instrument flying, ATC procedures and IFR navigation. Students also obtain the instructional knowledge required to teach, including the ability to recognize, analyze, and correct common student errors. The credit hour will post to the student's transcript upon completion of the FAA Certified Flight Instructor - Instrument Practical Exam.


47-430 Labor Relations in Transportation

This course provides study of unions, labor legislation, collective bargaining, contracts administration and conflict resolution in the transportation industry.



Economics option, 47-353, 61-200.

47-443 UAS Operations II

This course will teach students how to troubleshoot UAS anomalies. Students will also work in teams to develop and program a UAS to accomplish a certain set of parameters. Operations skillsets will be mastered as students are tasked with increasingly difficult scenarios.


46-251, 47-344, 70-315.

47-445 Aircraft Flight Dispatcher

Students learn about the duties of a flight dispatch officer. Topics include flight planning, aircraft loading and performance evaluation, airline flight dispatch operation, air traffic systems, flow control, scheduling, time management, aircraft weight and balance evaluations, and the Flight Dispatch Test for licensure. 195 contact hours. Meets requirements of 14 CFR 65.


47-450 Issues and Trends in Transportation

This course presents an analysis of selected contemporary issues, problems and trends facing various segments of the transportation industry (manufacturers, government, and other stakeholders in surface, maritime, and air transportation). Students apply previously learned principles to practical problems in the transportation industry.



47-353, 61-200.

47-452 Airport Management

A comprehensive study of airport operations and management, this course covers analysis of the role of the airport manager in the daily operation of an airport, finance and administration, public relations, social, political and environmental considerations; operations, safety; and facility maintenance.




47-453 Airline Management and Economics

This course explores the inner workings of the airline industry by unveiling the business practices of the captains of the industry - people of great nerve and daring, but also of questionable maturity, motive and judgment. The course serves as a primer on modern business practices and ethics and a history of one of the world's largest industries.



47-353, 61-200.

47-455 Airport Security

This course provides the student with an overview of security systems, existing and evolving, at the nation's airports. Every airport operator serving aircraft operation is required by the Department of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Administration to provide a security program to maintain the integrity and continuity of the air traffic system. This course will describe protection criteria, crime prevention, perimeter security, and access control, along with policies and procedures that form the security infrastructure.


47-457 Multimodal Operations

Multimodal transportation involves the use of two or more modes of transportation in moving a shipment from origin to destination, primarily through the use of a container. This multimodal service combines the advantages of each mode used. The growth of multimodal transportation has been aided by deregulation in the US and by growth in global business. Intermodal operations are the junctions where containers are transferred from one mode to another. Students will study the administrative and managerial aspects of these intermodal facilities.



13-120, 46-201, 47-201, 47-250.

47-460 Multi-Engine (MEL) Ground School

This course provides the necessary instruction to thoroughly familiarize students with the theory of safe and practical multi-engine operation. Meets requirements of 14 CFR 141.



47-231, 47-232, 47-331, 47-332.

47-461 Multi-Engine (MEL) Flight Lab

Students obtain the aeronautical skill and experience necessary to meet the requirements for the addition of an airplane multi-engine land class rating to an existing pilot certificate. Students are introduced to multi-engine aerodynamics, operating procedures, systems, performance considerations and emergency procedures. The credit hour will post to the student's transcript upon completion of the FAA Commercial Pilot Multi-Engine Land Practical Exam.


47-463 Aircraft Accident Investigation

This course provides a study of the general principles and procedures involved in an aircraft accident investigation. Students explore both FAA and National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) aircraft accident investigative techniques and how the NTSB determines probable cause.



47-130 and 47-131 or A&P Certificate.

47-470 Flight Instructor-Multi-Engine (CFI MEL) Ground

This course provides the necessary instruction to prepare students to give multi-engine flight training. It also assists students in preparing for the FAA Flight Instructor-Multi-engine Flight Check. Meets requirements of 14 CFR 141.



47-460, 47-461.

47-471 Flight Instructor-Multi-Engine Flight Lab MEI

Students obtain the aeronautical skill and experience necessary to teach multi-engine aerodynamics, normal and emergency operating procedures, aircraft systems and performance considerations. The credit hour will post to the student's transcript upon completion of the FAA Flight Instructor Multi-Engine Practical Exam.


47-473 Airline Transport Pilot

Students learn about Federal Aviation Regulations aircraft systems, the theory of flight, aerodynamics, meteorology with respect to engine operations, and weight and balance computations. This course also assists students in preparing for the FAA Airline Transport Pilot examination.



47-460, 47-461 or A&P Certificate.

47-474 Introduction to the Saberliner 40/60

A basic introduction to the Saberliner 40/60, this course covers normal procedures, emergency procedures, caution/warning lights, aircraft systems and limitations, performance, and 15 hours of flight in the Saberliner Simulator. Lab fees apply.



Permission of instructor or department chair.

47-475 Aircraft Familiarization

This course is designed to familiarize the aviation student with the systems on a particular aircraft. The aircraft type may vary from semester to semester. Substituting this course for 47-409 and 47-421 requires permission from the chief of pilot training.



47-320 and 47-460 or A&P Certificate.

47-477 UAS Senior Capstone

Students will demonstrate mastery of the entire UAS Program. Students will be tasked with designing, building, testing, and further developing a UAS to complete a set of goals set forth by the student and professor of the course. Students will also develop a project portfolio to showcase their skillsets to potential employers.


46-340, 47-443, 71-450.

47-480 Practical Dispatching

This is a capstone course for dispatcher certification. It includes a detailed review and practical applications of the skills required for Aircraft Dispatcher certification. Meets requirements of 14 CFR 65.



47-130, 47-131, 47-204, 47-231, 47-250, 47-252, 47-313, 47-331, 47-473.

47-482 ATC Responsibilities and Procedures

Individual controller positions will be explored in depth including the enroute (ARTCC), terminal (TRACON), tower (ATCT) and Flight Service Station specialist's responsibilities with respect to aircraft separation, inter-facility coordination and the expeditious, safe movement of aircraft. Additionally, an in-depth study of letters of agreement, position briefings and the use of departure, arrival and enroute progress strips will be included.



47-204, 47-231, 47-313.

47-484 Radar Fundamentals and Separation Minima

Equipment capabilities and limitations of radar will be addressed in sufficient depth to prepare future controllers for successful careers. Separation minima for radar and non-radar operations will be emphasized and reviewed as an integral part of the controller's core responsibilities. VFR & IFR operations will be differentiated and defined for a full understanding of their differences.



47-204, 47-231, and 47-313.

47-485 Flight Deck Automation

State of the art cockpits employ high technology "glass" avionics to enhance the flight crew's situational awareness, reduce workload and greatly increase and maximize efficiency in terms of fuel savings and equipment longevity.  This course addresses the challenges and benefits of various new-age cockpits in the air carrier inventory with particular emphasis upon the CRJ-200 flight management system.  Coursework in this class will strengthen students' knowledge and competency in an aviation environment dominated by these highly advanced flight guidance concepts.




47-486 Aircraft Capabilities and Characteristics

Employing previous course work and acquired knowledge, an in-depth investigation of IFR flight operations and Air Traffic Control facilities services afforded VFR aircraft will be emphasized. Additionally, aircraft capabilities characteristics and performance will be addressed in order to provide each future air traffic professional with a keen understanding and anticipation of an aircraft crew’s responses to controller clearances and requests.



47-204, 47-231, 47-313.

47-489 Topics in Aviation Security

This course will survey current topics in Aviation security. Study will focus on selected policies, events and changes in regulations and legislation pertaining to security concerns and contingency measures.



Permission of instructor and department chair.

47-495 Internship in Transportation Administration

This internship is designed to provide on-the-job experience in an appropriate transportation agency. Students are supervised by the agency, and their progress is monitored by the department. Students must submit a report on the internship experience.



Permission of the program director and chair of the department.

47-496 Air Traffic Control Internship

This internship is designed to provide students with on-the-job experience in an appropriate aviation agency. Students are supervised by the agency, and their progress is monitored by the department. Three credit hours are earned at the satisfactory completion of all the requirements of the internship. The student must submit a report on the internship experience.



Permission of the department chair.

47-498 Internship or Field Placement

This internship is designed to provide students with on-the-job experience in an aviation/aerospace industry or a government agency. Students are supervised by the organization with which they are doing the internship and their progress is also monitored by the department. Students may earn a maximum of three hours of credit upon completion of the internship and submission of an intern paper or report.



Junior standing and consent of faculty internship coordinator.

47-499 Independent Study

This course is designed to meet the needs of majors in Department of Aviation and Transportation programs who want to study an advanced topic not found in regular courses.



Consent of the department chairperson. To qualify for an Independent Study, a student must have successfully completed 60 credit hours, at least 12 of which were earned at Lewis, and have earned at Lewis University a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.