71-400 Computer Engineering Applications

This course surveys a range of application areas in which Computer Engineers provide solutions. Topic areas include industrial automation, product life cycle management, cyber security systems, transportation and logistics, sustainable practice, and health care systems. How Computer Engineering shapes and is shaped by these and other application areas will be explored. Students will design computer systems to solve problems related to these application areas.



71-410 Artificial Intelligence

Topics central to Artificial Intelligence are covered, including knowledge representation, the predicate calculus, goal-directed and data-directed search techniques, and rule-based expert systems. Two languages for problem solving is presented: LISP and PROLOG.


13-310, 70-210.

71-450 Robotics

This course introduces the student to the modeling, identification, and control of robotic systems. The course focuses on the implementation of identification and control algorithms on a two-link robot. Topics include the mathematical modeling of robotic systems and the analysis, simulation, and implementation of both linear and nonlinear representations of such systems. The design and integration of sensors and actuators and algorithms for responding and controlling these devices will be pursued.


70-470 or 71-410.

71-496 Computer Engineering Senior Project

This is the  culminating experience in the Computer Engineering program. Students will work in teams to develop a computer engineering solution to a realistic problem. Such solutions will consist of both hardware and software components. This course satisfies the Advanced Writing Requirement in Computer Engineering.


71-400 and a current or successfully completed 400-level Computer Engineering elective.