LZ-402 Personnel Management of the Fire Service

This course will examine the principles of personnel management. It will focus on personnel laws, regulations, equal employment opportunity, diversity management, recruitment, hiring, employee discipline, performance evaluation systems, employee promotions and awards.


LZ-404 Legal Aspects of Fire Service Management

The focus of this course will be on legal issues relating to the fire service. State and federal laws will be examined. Recent case law relating to the fire service will be reviewed. Students will learn and identify laws that impact the management of fire service. Legal liability issues will be studied. The impact of past and recent legal decisions on the management of the fire service will be examined.


LZ-406 Financial Management of the Fire Service

This course will examine principles of financial management from the perspective of a fire service administrator. Concepts of budgeting and planning will be introduced. Political constraints will also be examined. Fiscal problems in the fire service will be explored with emphasis on developing solutions.


LZ-408 Applications of Fire Research

Basic principles of research methods will be studied in this course. A survey of fire service research will be studied. Focus on the practical application of fire research will be emphasized.