LU-205 Prior Learning Assessment Seminar

Students interested in writing a Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Portfolio for elective credit must first take this one credit hour seminar.  In the course, students identify prior learning that may earn them college credit and learn to write essays for the PLA Portfolio.   Those interested in enrolling should first attend a PLA Orientation Workshop or meet individually with the PLA Coordinator.  Class is graded on a pass/fail basis.  


LU-206 Prior Learning Assessment Portfolio Development

This course offers ongoing academic support for students writing Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Portfolios.  Student work is individualized and no class meetings are required.  In order to maintain good standing in the course, students will write at least one prior learning essay per semester.   Students in the course will not be charged tuition and will not earn credit hours.  Class is graded on a pass/fail basis. (Prerequisites:  LU 205 or 76 205)



LU-205 or 76-205