LW - Management Information Security (Accelerated)

LW-220 Business Programming

This course is a hands-on introduction to basic programming structures, concepts and object-oriented principles. Students will design, code, test and debug programs using contemporary programming languages that comprise computer systems in today's business organizations. Specific topics that will be covered include input/output operations, iteration, arithmetic operations, arrays, classes and objects and other related topics.




LW-230 Cybercrime, Law and Ethics

This course provides a detailed description of various cybercrime techniques employed by attackers and organization-wide solutions available to information security personnel. Additionally, American laws and Computer and Information Security laws will be discussed. Students will also learn about ethical challenges in a technological environment as well as the social and economic implications of policy.


LW-305 Cloud Computing

This course provides a thorough and detailed description of cloud computing concepts, architectures and technologies. Computational science is changing to be data-intensive. Supercomputers must be balanced systems, not just CPU farms but also petascale I/O and networking arrays. In the future, working with large data sets will typically mean sending the computations (programs) to the data, rather than copying the data to the workstations. This reflects the trend in IT of moving computing and data from the desktops to large data centers, where there is on-demand provision of software, hardware and data as a service. This data explosion has promoted the idea of cloud computing. Cloud systems presented include the public clouds: Google AppEngine, Amazon Web Service, Facebook, SalesForce.com and many others.




LW-310 Principles of Project Management

In this course we will define the attributes of a project, the steps involved in the project management process, the benefits of project management, the project life cycle, and what makes projects successful. The key roles of the Project Manager will be presented. The student will obtain knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to satisfy the expectations of the project stakeholders. Knowledge areas presented will include project planning, definition of scope, estimating and controlling of time and costs, quality assurance, human resource management, the creation, collection, and distribution of information, risk management, and procurement.




LW-325 Introduction to Six Sigma

This course indtroduces students to Six Sigma which is one of the most highly evolved quality management methodologies. Six Sigma provides a framework for quality management that ensures companies are achieving the highest level of quality.



LW 310

LW-330 Database Management Systems

Database concepts and design; database administration, relational and object-oriented database systems and models; Internet database access; and use of database software.




LW-335 Introduction to Information Security

This course provides a broad overview of the threats to the security of information systems, the responsibilities and basic tools for information security, and the levels of training and expertise needed in organizations to reach and maintain a state of acceptable security. Students will also learn about contemporary management theories and concepts applied to information security.


LW-336 Computer Forensics

This course presents methods to properly conduct a computer forensics investigation, beginning with a discussion of ethics while mapping to the objectives of the International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists (IACIS) certification. Students should have working knowledge of hardware and operating systems to maximize their success on projects and exercises throughout the course.


LW-340 Survey of Operating Systems

This course provides a detailed description and high level understanding of various operating systems to comprehend the techniques employed by attackers to compromise information systems.  All current operating systems used for physical and virtual machines will be discussed in this course. The course will provide hands-on opportunity to students to install, optimize, and compromise various operating systems.


LW-350 Cybersecurity Policy and Strategy

This course combines the exciting and emerging fields of cybersecurity, information technology, policy and cyber warfare. Students examine the process for development of strategy based on policy by analyzing emerging threats, current security posture and available information security controls.

LW-364 Coordinating and Managing Supply Chains

This course will focus on operations coordination within a firm and will gradually make the transition to include inter-function, inter-firm, and international coordination. The role of supply chain intermediaries are discussed. Specific modules will focus on retail operations and the role of supply chain intermediaries, e.g., distributors and sourcing agents. The impact of incentives and marketing imperfections, and the changing impact of the Internet and other information technology on supply chain operations are emphasized.




LW-365 Outsourcing

This course provides exposure to strategies that help formulate and execute an effective outsourcing strategy. Current trends in business process outsourcing (BPO) will be analyzed to determine an effective outsourcing model in accordance with the organization's mission, objectives, and capabilities.




LW-405 Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization is a core need for today's businesses. Integrating search and social media into the marketing plan boosts visibility and relevance. This class will review guidelines and techniques to plan and executive a comprehensive SEO strategy.


LW-415 Web Design Applications

This course teaches students how to design, create, maintain, and manage a web site. Students will use a number of tools and programming languages to build the site including: HTML, XML, JavaScript, FrontPage, and Dreamweaver.




LW-425 Advanced Project Management

This course focuses on three of the knowledge areas in project management: risk management, communication management and human resources and stakeholder management. This course considers how to deal with a variety of stakeholders and ways to consider optimizing stakeholder involvement. How and why various social roles are needed on projects. The formation and expectations of differing kinds of teams are covered in order to set up management expectations about results. The results of a project need to be integrated within existing environments.




LW-430 Data Networks

Students examine principles of telecommunications and networking as applied in a business environment; communication parameters, protocol, and hardware, including modems, multiplexors, common carriers and microwave and satellite systems; and design and implementation of distributed data processing and network systems.




LW-450 Enterprise Security

This course provides a broad overview of security in an enterprise. Students will learn about the threats to the security of information systems, what makes an organization's resources secure, basic technologies for information security, and the levels of training and expertise needed in organizations to reach and maintain a state of acceptable security. This course covers the technical and managerial aspects of securing your enterprise resources.




LW-453 Network Operating Systems and Technology

Hands-on introduction to different network operating systems that are commonly used in the industry; Windows NT server, Windows 2000 server, and NetWare; various components of the NOS; the design, installation, implementation, management, and administration of a NOS. Discuss the differences between these systems and how to select the appropriate one for your business.




LW-455 Web Analytics

Web Analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of detailed statistics about visits to a web site. Internet Analytics provides important information in order to optimize and improve the web site usability and performance. This course discusses a number of analytics techniques such as log files, cookies, web bugs, and paper tagging. It also covers the key performance indicators, website metrics. Additionally, it demonstrates how to setup and use some of the leading web analytics tools available such as Google Analytics and Visistats. These tools will help you track your Twitter, Facebook, and other social media marketing (SMM) technologies and determine if your SMM is working.


LW-461 Hacker Tools and Techniques

This course explores the security of enterprise information assets from a hacker's perspective.  To improve organizational information security, students are introduced to the methods and techniques employed by hackers to get unauthorized access to these enterprise systems.  The best practices for protecting the digital assets are discussed by studying modern hacking techniques.


LW-465 Cell Phone and Mobile Devices Forensics

This course presents hands-on techniques for recovering evidence for mobile phones such as iPhones, and windows and android phones. Mobile devices such as iPads, Tablet PCs and iPods will also be covered in this course. Students will learn how to recover passwords, deleted voicemails, photos, and text messages and data from various apps that on mobile devices.

LW-480 Systems Implementation

The main objective of this applied ITM capstone course is to teach students how to develop and implement a business information system and create the project e-portfolio. In this course, students will apply and integrate knowledge from previous ITM courses to create a fully functioning business information system. Students will complete their projects and e-portfolios by 1) creating logical and physical models from information gathered in the systems planning and analysis phases, 2) building the system components (Web application, database and network), 3) integrating, testing and documenting all system components developed, 4) creating comprehensive user training plans and materials, and 5) writing documentation for system operation and support.



LW-330, LW-415, and LW-430. This capstone course should be complete as one of the student's final ITM courses.

LW-495 Entrepreneurship in Information Technology

This course covers all the aspects of setting up an Information Technology Start-up company. Students will learn finance (Venture Capital funding), Management (Business Plan), Marketing (Marketing and Sales plan), project management and IT Entrepreneurship strategies via a semester long hands-on project. Students will present their projects to a panel of judges at the end of the session.

LW-497 Systems Methodology and Design

This course is a hands-on introduction to the first three phrases of the system development lifecycle: 1) planning/initiation, 2)analysis, and 3) design.  Students will learn how to analyze a business case, conduct a preliminary investigation, model business requirements using various tools, select a development strategy, and create a requirements document.  Students will use the logical models and documentation created in this course as blueprints for the system development in other courses.




LW-498 Security Assessment and Risk Management

This course provides an overview of information security strategies, procedures and policies necessary to manage and mitigate an organization's risk in information systems. Students will learn to conduct enterprise-wide information security risk assessment using qualitative and quantitative techniques. Security assessment techniques and the information security blueprint will be discussed in detail.