PSYC-21100 Infancy and Childhood

In this study of processes and theories concerning childhood development, specific theories are covered, including Freud's psychosexual stages of development, Piaget's stages of intellectual development, Erikson's developmental stages and Kohlberg's stages of moral development. Physical and psychological development and the subsequent acquisition of skills at the various stages of childhood are reviewed. The emphasis is on normal behavior.



PSYC 10000

PSYC-21200 Adolescence and Youth

The developmental processes of pre-pubescence through the progression to early adulthood are studied. Research and theory are examined as they pertain to biological, social, cognitive and emotional development in the context of the quest for identity and relatedness. Variations of experience according to gender, ethnicity, economic status and sexual orientation are explored. Typical problems of adolescents are also studied.



PSYC 10000

PSYC-21500 Adulthood and Old Age

A continuing developmental survey of the human being through adulthood and old age, this course focuses on the continuity of development from earlier stages, with special emphasis on changes in cognition, personality and behavior, and the role of the central nervous system in aging. Cross-cultural studies in social roles and expectancies are included. Attachment, bereavement, death and related adjustment issues are explored as well.



PSYC 10000

PSYC-22000 Theories of Personality and Development

This survey of the major models of personality and cognitive development includes psychoanalytic, behavioristic, humanistic, cognitive and physiological theories. Emphasis is on the interaction of genetic patterns and experiences, the emergence of individual differences and age-related changes in the normal human personality.



PSYC 10000

PSYC-23800 Psychology of the Minority Experience

This course will provide, from a psychological point of view, an understanding and awareness of various cultures, races, and ethnicities.  The primary focus will be on national ethnic groups and hidden cultures.  Educational activities in this course are didactic and experiential in nature.  They are specifically designed to enhance knowledge, individual sensitivity, and cross-cultural communication.


PSYC-24000 Psychology of Women

An in-depth study of the psychological factors affecting the emotional growth and development of women is presented. Special emphasis is placed on sex-role development and gender similarities and differences. Roles in family and society are also discussed.



PSYC 10000

PSYC-24100 Human Sexuality

Students examine the dynamics of human sexuality, including biological, cultural and psychological aspects. The course focuses on the sources of beliefs and attitudes about sex.



PSYC 10000

PSYC-27500 Topics in Psychology

This course covers different topics during different terms in order to respond to student interest in areas not covered by regular courses. Material is covered at the introductory level.



PSYC 10000

PSYC-27600 Workshop in Psychology

This course is an intensive focus on an applied area of psychology. Emphasis is on experiential learning and class participation. Students receive a letter grade for course. It is open to both majors and non-majors. Majors can use up to three workshops to satisfy elective requirements within the Psychology or HRM major.


PSYC-27700 Workshop in Organizational Psychology

This course is an intensive examination of an area related to human resource management or organizational psychology. Emphasis is on experiential learning and class participation. Students receive a letter grade for the course. Majors can use up to three workshops to satisfy elective requirements within the Psychology or HRM major.


PSYC-27800 Research Experience

Students in this course actively participate in an ongoing research project and weekly seminar meetings. Students become familiar with the conceptualization, design and execution of the research project as they assist in research activities of faculty members. Up to three credit hours can be used as electives in the Psychology or HRM major.

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PSYC 10000 and consent of supervising faculty

PSYC-28000 Group Dynamics

This analysis of interpersonal forces in small groups focuses on theoretical analysis of group formation, communication and leadership processes, is combined with an examination of group-based change methods for improvement of individual and group behavior. Experiential learning is an important part of this class.



PSYC 10000

PSYC-28500 Cross-Cultural Psychology

Students explore cultural differences and similarities in basic psychological processes. The course examines cross-cultural content with special emphasis on causes and coping methods for culture shock. A variety of enrichment experiences, including guest speakers, simulations and films, is used. This course satisfies the Illinois teacher certification requirement for a Third World course.



PSYC 10000

PSYC-29000 Psychobiology

This course provides an analysis of the biological foundations of behavior with particular emphasis on central nervous system mechanisms that mediate learning and memory, motivation, emotion, sensory processes, and chemical and electrical stimulation of the brain. Physiological function rather than anatomy is emphasized. Some lab work is required.



PSYC 10000