UNIV-10000 Introduction to the College Experience

Introduction to the College Experience (ICE) is a one-credit hour course designed to assist the first-year student by providing information and skills essential for a successful college experience. The course is required for all new students entering the University with fewer than 12 credit hours. This course helps students to understand and demonstrate the skills of an active and engaged learner; develop a fuller understanding of a range of learning and studying strategies (time management, note-taking); apply intellectual curiosity inside and outside the classroom; understand and reflect upon Lewis University's Catholic and Lasallian Mission; and understand the importance of respecting and appreciating diversity as a member of the Lewis University community and as a citizen of the world. The course also provides information to enhance advising sessions with the student's academic advisor and introduces students to a variety of campus resources that will assist them during their transition to college life. Small groups of 15-18 students meet once a week and are directed by a selected faculty or staff mentor. Students who fail or withdraw from ICE must repeat the course until a passing grade is earned. Multiple sections of this course are offered in the fall and one section is offered in the spring. Frequently, a contemporary text is chosen to be read by all ICE classes. The theme of this "Common Reader" is often referred to in other first-year general education courses.
