SOCI-10000 Principles of Sociology

This course provides students with an introduction to sociology, including culture, socialization, deviance, groups, social status, inequality, and social change, the interrelations among individuals, groups, and societies as well as how these impact and are impacted by social institutions including the family, education, the media, politics, and the economy.


SOCI-10600 Topics in Sociology

This course provides students the opportunity to study topics of interest to sociologists. Subject matter will vary.


SOCI-10800 Introduction to Women's Studies

This course introduces students to the history of the women's movement in the U.S. and examines the construction and experience of gender across multicultural and global perspectives. It is designed to enhance interdisciplinary dialogue, to locate women's voices and experiences in the stream of intellectual history, and to demonstrate how the present issues of feminist discourse emerged. Both women and men are encouraged to explore their own questions about gender in this course.