ENLE-41400 Introduction to Assessment for Teachers of Bilingual Students

Language proficiency, academic achievement, mandated norm, and/or criterion referenced assessments, and their appropriate uses with English language learners are introduced, including tests in students’ primary language. Fairness and equity in test selection, administration, and interpretation, and concepts of validity and reliability are discussed. State and national standards for content and language proficiency and the assessment of those standards at the state and classroom levels are examined.
3 credit(s)


ENLE 31000

ENLE-44200 Introduction to Cross Cultural Studies for Teachers of English Language Learners

The importance of culture in addressing the educational and social needs of children from a diverse background, especially English language learners (ELLs) and immigrant children are examined. Issues related to cultural assimilation and cultural conflict are explored, and pre-service teachers are asked to reflect on their own beliefs, cultural backgrounds, and intercultural experiences. Participants will develop strategies for designing culturally relevant learning opportunities to foster the academic success of diverse groups in a multi-language, multi-ethnic learning community. Stereotypes, prejudice, bias, and approaches for advocating for ELLs and their families are also explored.
3 credit(s)


ENLE 31000