ECEN - Electrical and Computer Engineering

ECEN-10000 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering

This course introduces students to the practice of engineering. It exposes students to the fundamentals of hardware and software systems, and the process of building solutions that meet functional and technical requirements. It gives students an opportunity to hone problem solving skills in the context of a number of team-oriented engineering design activities.

ECEN-20000 Engineering Applications

This course introduces students to the computer-based tools used by engineers in the course of their work. Tools include Matlab, Maple, CAD, Excel, SPSS, and C++.


ECEN 10000

ECEN-21000 Logic Design

This course provides a modern introduction to logic design and technology .It covers a survey of common combinational circuit components, sequential circuit design and timing analysis and use of modern HDL CAD Tools for digital systems design, synthesis, and simulation. Topics include representation and manipulation of information, combinational and sequential logic fundamentals, digital logic technology, combinational and sequential functions, finite state machines, hardware descriptive language, programmable logic devices, memories, and register transfer logic (RTL) design.


ECEN 10000

ECEN-22000 Electric Circuits

This course introduces students to how electrical circuits function. Topics include DC and AC electrical current and voltage, electrical energy, and electrical power. Circuit components such as resistors, inductors, and capacitors are explained both in terms of their underlying physics and how they influence the behavior of electric circuits. Circuit analysis techniques such as Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's voltage and current laws,Thevenin and Norton transformations, and the superposition theorem are explained and used to solve problems. Basic electrical measurement techniques are demonstrated and applied in a series of laboratory experiments.


ECEN 10000, MATH 20100 and PHYS 21000

ECEN-23000 Signals and Systems

This course provides an introduction and methodology of linear dynamic systems in relation to discrete- and continuous-time signals. Topics include representation of systems and signals; Fourier, Laplace, and Z-transforms; and convolution. Linear systems are described in terms of inputs and outputs and expressed as transfer functions. Systems are analyzed in the time domain and frequency domain. Filtering and processing of signals will be discussed as application of the theory. System response will be modeled and visualized using simulation software.


ECEN 22000

ECEN-25000 Semiconductor Devices

This course covers the material properties of semiconductors, the physics of semiconductor operation, and the operating principles of diodes, bipolar and field-effect transistors, feedback and operational amplifiers and regulated power supplies. Circuit analysis techniques are applied and industry-standard tools and applications are used to model and understand the characteristics, operation, performance and limitations of fundamental electronic devices. Topics include wave-particle duality, semiconductor energy bands, formation of n and p-type carriers, p-n junctions, I-V characteristics, BJT and FET operating modes, and power regulators.


ECEN 22000

ECEN-27000 Fields and Waves

This course covers electromagnetic fields, including static electric and magnetic fields, energy storage, Maxwell's equations, conductors, insulators, transmission lines, and antennae.


ECEN 22000, PHYS 21800, MATH 25000

ECEN-30000 Computer Architecture 1

This study of computer architecture covers the design and operation of basic components of the computer, including the central processor unit, memory unit, and I/O unit. The course covers fundamental computing concepts such as instruction set arcthitectures, machine mode, memory systems, and I/O interfacing. Programming assignments provide practice working with assembly language techniques, including looping and subroutines, while hardware-focused assignments provide practice with datapath design and implementation.


CPSC21000 and ECEN 21000

ECEN-31000 Computer Architecture 2

This course builds on the foundation provided in ECEN Computer Architecture 1. This course covers various processor performance improvement techniques including pipelining, instruction-level parallelism, branch prediction, memory multi-level caching and virtual memory, with emphasis on the implementation and performance analysis of these techniques.Students use hardware description language and CAD tools for the design input and timing analysis of the processor design. The course also provides a survey of modern and state-of-the-art processor implementations.


ECEN 30000

ECEN-32000 Hardware and Software Systems

This course discusses the operation, design and analysis of integrated computing systems, considering both the hardware and software and their impact on each other. The material will be taught from the application perspective of embedded systems. Topics include embedded systems as hardware/software platforms; networks of devices; communication buses; device drivers and interrupts; processes, threads, and tasks; real-time operation systems; embedded software development tools; real-time operating systems; and benchmarking of computer systems.


ECEN 21000 and ECEN 22000

ECEN-33000 Digital Communications

This course introduces the fundamental principles of wired and wireless digital communications systems, including conversion of information to digital data, encoding and decoding techniques, and the reliable transmission of digital data. Topics include foundational concepts such as bandwidth and power constraints, digital modulation methods, transceiver design principles, and channel coding. The course also introduces the operation and design of digital communication systems including cellular, sensor, wi-fi and satellite networks, as well as wired systems such as cable, phone and optical modems.


ECEN 23000 and MATH 31400

ECEN-34000 Introduction to VLSI Design

This course covers the basic theories and techniques of Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuit design and CMOS technology. Topics Include standard CMOS fabrication process, CMOS design and layout rules, simulation and testing, low power VLSI techniques, and various design tools and methodologies. Performance impact of VLSI design choices on speed, power consumption, reliabiliity and cost are also covered.


ECEN 21000 and ECEN 25000

ECEN-35000 Electronic Circuits

This course covers the analysis and design of analog and digital electronic circuits using bipolar junction transistors and MOS field effect transistors. Students will learn how these devices work and how they can be used to design amplifiers and integrated circuits.


ECEN 23000

ECEN-37000 Electromechanics

This course covers power and energy fundamentals, three-phase power, electromagnetic forces and torques, network equivalents, and how electromechanical devices such as motors, generators, and relays work.


ECEN 22000 and ECEN 27000

ECEN-37500 Control Systems

This course covers the design and analysis of automatic control strategies for electromechanical systems. It covers traditional and state-space control techniques and computer simulation of such systems.


ECEN 22000

ECEN-38000 Electric Power Systems

This course covers the analysis and design of three-phase electric power systems, including the generation, transmission, distribution, and consumption of electric power. It describes the physical and mathematical principles that govern electric power generation and consumption, how to describe the reliability of such systems, and how to model their operation numerically.


ECEN 37000

ECEN-40000 Computer Engineering Applications

This course prepares the senior Computer Engineering student for the practical application of engineering principles to the senior design course and professional practice. Various skills that are of vital importance to the professional engineer are covered, including engineering ethics, teamwork, communication skills and problem-solving. The course surveys a range of application areas in which Computer Engineers provide solutions such as industrial automation and healthcare systems, with emphasis on the application of systematic design process, product life cycle management and proficient use of developer tools. This course is the first part of the Capstone experience where the Capstone project is researched and developed. It must be taken in the semester directly preceding the semester ECEN 49600 is taken.


ECEN 31000 and ECEN 32000

ECEN-41000 Artificial Intelligence

Topics central to Artificial Intelligence are covered, including knowledge representation, the predicate calculus, goal-directed and data-directed search techniques, and rule-based expert systems. Two languages for problem-solving is presented: LISP and PROLOG.


MATH 31000 and CPSC 21000

ECEN-45000 Robotics

This course introduces the student to the modeling, identification, and control of robotic systems. The course focuses on the implementation of identification and control algorithms on a two-link robot. Topics include the mathematical modeling of robotic systems and the analysis, simulation, and implementation of both linear and nonlinear representations of such systems. The design and integration of sensors and actuators and algorithms for responding and controlling these devices will be pursued.


ECEN 41000, CPSC 24500, CPSC 31500, or CPSC 47000

ECEN-47500 Power Electronics

This course considers electronic circuits for conditioning and managing large electric power signals such as those found in power supplies, motor controls, and smart electrical grid devices. It covers switching functions for control; ac and dc power conversion; power semiconductor switching devices; motor control, and smart grid device design and operation.


ECEN 35000 and ECEN 37000

ECEN-48000 Renewable Energy Systems

This course covers the design and analysis of efficient electrical energy systems that minimize adverse environmental impact. Topics include green generation technologies such as solar and wind as well as new power transmission and distribution architectures such as microgrids and the use of smart-grid technologies for autonomous control.


ECEN 38000

ECEN-49600 Electrical Engineering Project I

This first course in the capstone sequence for Electrical Engineering teaches students how to identify an engineering problem, research prior work, evaluate alternatives in light of prior week, formulate and refine a proposal, and initiate a design. It also offers students perspectives on ethical and professional engineering practice and engages them in ethical decision-making. The work students do in this course prepares them for the second part of the capstone in which they implement their design.


Completion of the Electrical Engineering Core Coursework

ECEN-49610 Electrical Engineering Project II

This second course in the capstone sequence for Electrical Engineering teaches students how to refine a problem solution, build it, test it, identify shortcomings, and suggest improvements. The work students do in this course builds upon their progress in the first part of the capstone in which they identified a problem and proposed a solution.


ECEN 49600

ECEN-49700 Electrical Engineering Project I

This first course in the capstone sequence for Electrical Engineering teaches students how to identify an engineering problem, research prior work, evaluate alternatives in light of prior work, formulate and refine a proposal, and initiate a design. It also offers students perspectives on ethical and professional engineering practice and engages them in ethical decision-making. The work students do in this course prepares them for the second part of the capstone in which they implement their design.


Completion of all Electrical Engineering Core Coursework

ECEN-49710 Electrical Engineering Project II

This second course in the capstone sequence for Electrical Engineering teaches students how to refine a problem solution, build it, test it, identify shortcomings, and suggest improvements. The work students do in this course builds upon their progress in the first part of the capstone in which they identified a problem and proposed a solution.


ECEN 49700

ECEN-49900 Independent Study in Computer Engineering

This course is designed to meet the needs of Computer Engineering majors wishing to study an advanced topic not found in the curriculum


Consent of the department chairperson. To qualify for an Independent Study, a student must have successfully completed 60 credit hours, at least 12 of which were earned at Lewis, and have earned at Lewis a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.