Academic Policies

The Major

The major is a sequence of courses in a department or program designed to prepare students, according to departmental or program objectives, for certain careers and/or for graduate work. All students are required to complete at least one set of major requirements for graduation from the University, including at least four upper-division major courses (12-16 hrs.). At minimum, a 2.0 GPA is required for graduation. A higher GPA in the major may be required by some programs.

Declaration of Major

Students apply for a major by completing a Declaration of Major form obtained from the dean of the college or from the Academic Services department within the Center for Academic Success & Enrichment (CASE). Approval from the chairperson of the department offering the major is required for declaration. Students are encouraged to declare their major(s) early. However, all students must declare a major before completing 58 credit hours applicable toward graduation. Transfer students who have earned more than 58 credit hours transferable to Lewis must declare a major upon admission.

Once declaring a major, the student will be assigned a faculty advisor from the major who will assist the student in preparing an approved program leading to graduation.

Change of Major

Students may change majors by applying to the chairpersons of the two departments involved by means of a form obtained from the dean of the college(s). The change of major is not complete until it has been recorded in the Office of the Registrar. Students must meet the admission requirements of the nursing program to be accepted as a change of major to nursing.

Double Major

A student may complete the major requirements of two departments or programs at Lewis, thus earning a double major which will be indicated on the permanent record. To do so, a student must complete all general education requirements of the college and University, as well as the requirements of each major. Application for a double major is made through the office of the dean of the college(s) involved and requires the consent of both the primary and secondary major department chairpersons. A student may apply for the double major no earlier than the sophomore year, and only after successfully beginning the program of the primary major. No application for the double major may be made after a student enters the final semester at Lewis. Requirements for the double major must be completed by graduation.

Triple Major

A student may complete the major requirements of three departments or programs, thus earning a triple major which will be indicated on the transcript. To do so, a student must complete 60 credit hours, at least 20 of them at Lewis, and have a minimum GPA of 3.0. No application for a triple major may be made after a student enters the final semester at Lewis. To apply for the triple major, a student must request that his or her academic advisors form a Program Approval Committee (PAC) consisting of the chairs of each of the departments involved, as well as the dean. The student will present to the PAC a brief statement explaining the benefits of the third major, along with letters of support from advisors or faculty members in the majors. The PAC will determine on an individual case basis which classes will be required and decide upon the required number of credits for each major. A minimum of four different upper-division courses (12-16 hours) must be taken in each of the three majors. In each case, the decision of the PAC will be detailed in a written contract, signed by the department chairs, the dean and the student. Each person and the University Registrar will receive a copy of the contract. If the PAC rejects a request for a triple major, the dean will supply the student with a written rationale for the decision. Students should consult with their respective Dean.


Students pursuing a minor should follow the requirements of a specific minor found in this catalog. These requirements must be completed by graduation. Credit for “D” grades does not transfer toward the hours that are required for the minor. Two upper-division courses (6-8 hrs.) in the minor must be taken at Lewis. A 2.0 GPA (“C” average) in the minor is required for graduation.


Students who want to qualify for professional certification should consult with the chairperson of their major department to learn how to meet such requirements.

Residency Requirement: The 32-Hour Rule

Lewis University requires that undergraduate students fulfill a residency requirement by completing a minimum of 32 credit hours of their degree programs in Lewis courses. In addition, all courses in the graduating semester should be taken at Lewis. This academic policy is known as the 32-Hour Rule, and it fulfills one of the eligibility requirements for graduation.

Registration and Coursework

The Registrar publishes the online University Course Schedule for the regular semesters and summer session. These schedules include both procedures and dates for registration.

Before Registration

Each semester, students must consult with their faculty advisors for approval of class schedules for the coming semester. This academic advising will ordinarily take place after the publication of the online University Course Schedule, that is, several weeks before registration. Students who do not have an advisor or who have not declared a major must consult with the Academic Services department. Once a major has been declared, a student will ordinarily be advised by a faculty member from his or her major department.

Each student must see his or her advisor or a staff member from the Academic Services department to obtain a recommended sequence of courses. Each major department has developed a recommended sequence which blends the general education and major requirements together in a reasonable and systematic fashion. The advisor must sign the student’s advising/registration form for any special course requests. The student must obtain a registration pin from his/her advisor in order to register.

All financial obligations, including unpaid tuition and fees, library and traffic fines, and residence hall charges, must be paid for the current semester before a student can register for the next semester, or a satisfactory payment plan must be arranged with the Bursar. Specific information on financial obligations can be found in the section of this catalog titled “Financial Information”

Accelerated Baccalaureate-to-Masters Degree Program Guidelines

The Accelerated Baccalaureate-to-Master's Degree Program (Accelerated Program) option provides outstanding Lewis University undergraduate students enrolled in selected baccalaureate programs the opportunity to begin taking graduate coursework in their senior year (completion of 90+ credit hours). The student accepted into an approved accelerated program may begin fulfilling selected master's degree requirements while still completing requirements for the baccalaureate degree.


  • Students must complete all University graduation requirements applicable to undergraduate students and to graduate students.
  • No more than nine (9) graduate semester hours may be taken while the student is completing an undergraduate degree in an approved accelerated bachelor's to master's program. The courses taken as an undergraduate fulfill the program course and credit hour requirements for both the bachelor's and master's program.


  • Departments may determine program-specific prerequisites for admission into accelerated bachelor's to master's programs in addition to University requirements.
  • In addition to department-determined program admission requirements, the student must complete at least 75 credit hours before they are permitted to apply and be formally accepted into a University approved bachelor's-to-master's degree program.
  • The student must complete an application to the accelerated bachelor's to master's program and be approved by the program/department. Final approval prior to enrolling in graduate courses must be granted by the dean of Graduate, Professional, and Continuing Education, assuring compliance with University policy.
  • Student must have and maintain a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA or higher to enroll in graduate level coursework.
  • An accelerated bachelor's to master's program may require additional evidence of readiness, such as faculty recommendations, additional approvals, or higher GPA.

Student Status

  • The student continues to be classified as an undergraduate student, with all rights and responsibilities, until all degree requirements for the baccalaureate degree are completed.
  • To maintain full-time status as an undergraduate student, 12 or more semester hours must be taken each term.
  • Admission to an accelerated baccalaureate-to-master's degree program does not replace official application and admission to the graduate program. Application must be made to the graduate program consistent with University policy as outlined in the Graduate Catalog.

Opt-Out General Education Policy

Effective Fall 2019, Lewis University implemented a new general education model. All students beginning during or after Fall 2019 must complete the new general education requirements set forth in the University catalog with the following exception:

  • Transfer students beginning during the 19-20 and 20-21 academic year may elect to complete the previous general education requirements if they began their course of study at another institution prior to the publication of the new general education model.
Students who are readmitted to Lewis University after 2 or more years away should consult with the Dean of their college for general education advising.

Clinical, Practicum, Student Teaching, and Internship Placements Outside of Illinois

Students completing a clinical, internship, practicum, student teaching, or similar learning placement in states outside of Illinois may require additional permission by Lewis University, the placement state, or Illinois licensing boards. Students interested in learning placements outside of Illinois should consult with an academic advisor in their program and appropriate licensure agencies prior to beginning a learning placement outside of Illinois.

Furthermore, the curricular and field placement learning experiences that are a part of a student's graduation requirements at Lewis University are in alignment with the state of Illinois academic experiences only. Should a student/graduate of a program choose to leave the program or move to a different state post-graduation, please be advised that the other state may require additional or different academic and field placement requirements in order for a person to be licensed/certified in that state. Students should seek out their academic advisor and appropriate licensure agencies for information regarding out-of-state placements and/or requirements for licensure/certification outside of the state of Illinois.