Psychology Major for the High School Teaching License (9-12) / Bachelor of Arts

Total Credit Hours: 128
Major Credit Hours: 36

The Department of Psychology features a fully approved Psychology program that prepares candidates to teach grades 9-12 in Illinois public and private schools.  The program is approved by the State Educator Preparation and Licensure Board in conjunction with the Illinois State Board of Education and includes all the requirements for a major in Psychology.  Psychology majors in this concentration must declare majors in both Psychology and Secondary Education. See advisors in the Department of Psychology and the Department of Education for specific approval and a list of required courses.

Teacher Candidates seeking a Professional Educator License with a Psychology Endorsement must complete all requirements of the Department of Education, the following coursework in the content area, as well as professional education courses. For a detailed description of the courses, please click on the appropriate link. Only grades of “C” and above are acceptable in professional education courses and in any courses counted toward any endorsement or license. A “C-” or lower grade will require that the course be repeated.

Degree Requirements

Program: BA-PSYC-3

I. Core Courses in Psychology Major for Teacher Licensure (36)

A. Core Requirements (15 Credits)

PSYC-10000General Psychology


PSYC-30900Biological Psychology


PSYC-30300Statistics for the Social Sciences


PSYC-31500Research Methods 1


PSYC-41500Research Methods 2



B. One course from each of the following domains (15 credits)

1.  Learning, Cognition, and Neuroscience:

  PSYC 41000 Learning Theory and Applications

  PSYC 41200 Theories of Cognition

2.  Personality and Abnormal:

  PSYC 22000 Theories of Personality

  PSYC 31000 Psychological Testing and Evaluation

  PSYC 32000 Abnormal Psychology

  PSYC 32500 Child Abnormal Psychology

  PSYC 32600 Introduction to Child Counseling

  PSYC 42000 Psychotherapeutic Techniques

3.  Development:

  PSYC 21100 Child Development

  PSYC 21200 Adolescent Development

  PSYC 21300 Lifespan Development

  PSYC 21500 Adult Development

4.  Social Psychology, Diversity, and Culture

  PSYC 23800 Psychology of the Minority Experience

  PSYC 24000 Psychology of Women

  PSYC 24100 Human Sexuality

  PSYC 28000 Group Dynamics

  PSYC 28500 Cross-Cultural Psychology

  PSYC 36000 Social Psychology

5.  Applied Psychology

  PSYC 34000 Health Psychology

  PSYC 35000 Forensic Psychology

  PSYC 36500 Industrial/Organizational Psychology

  PSYC 49600 Research in Psychology

  PSYC 49800 Field Placement

C. Six additional credits in Psychology courses (6 credits)

Students may take six hours of Psychology courses in their areas of interest, including workshops.
D Advanced Writing Requirement
The advanced writing requirement of the General Education curriculum is satisfied by successful completion of:
PSYC-41500Research Methods 2


II. Required Social Science Courses (16)

ECON-20000Basic Macroeconomics


HIST-10100Global History and Culture 1


HIST-10200Global History and Culture 2


POLS-20000American National Government


HIST-397XXWorkshop in History


Any US History Course


III. Students must consult with their Department of Education advisor for additional courses in the teaching minor in the social sciences (approximately 9 credit hours).

IV. Please see Secondary Education / Bachelor of Arts for required Education courses.