Bachelor's to Cybersecurity Master's 4+1 Program

The Bachelor’s to Cybersecurity Master’s 4+1 program option allows qualified undergraduates to complete the graduate Master of Science in Cybersecurity (MSCY) program in just one year rather than 18 months to two years. Students from all majors can apply, although some majors may need to complete additional foundational computer science courses first. The student can take up to twelve graduate hours as an undergraduate that will count toward the master’s program, nine of which can also count towards the undergraduate degree.

Once a student has reached senior status by completing at least 75 credit hours, has completed the courses CPSC 21000, CPSC 28100, CPSC 30000, and CPSC 35000, and has achieved a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, they may be considered for entry into the 4+1 program. To be considered, the student must complete the 4+1 application. Accepted students can then take up to twelve credit hours of graduate coursework in the MSCY curriculum as an undergraduate. If the student earns a "B" or better in a graduate course they take as part of the 4+1 program, the course will count towards their MSCY requirements.


See Baccalaureate-to-Masters Degree Program Guidelines for additional information.