

Mathematics is a rich, engaging field with powerful applications to other subjects and modern open questions. Mathematics is not just a body of knowledge but a process of analysis, reasoning, comparison, deduction, generalization, and problem-solving. Mathematicians are trained in the ability to solve complex problems and to explain the solutions to others. Solving these problems requires creativity that involves analyzing both concrete and abstract situations, relating them to mathematical ideas and models, and applying mathematical techniques to discover solutions and build relevant models. Explaining the solution involves identifying what has been solved and providing justification for why the solution is valid. The mathematics curriculum at Lewis University will develop students’ understanding of theoretical and applied mathematics, which will train them to become competent and creative problem-solvers, theorists, and critical analysts. In addition to a challenging and broad curriculum, students also have excellent opportunities to obtain valuable work and research experiences while attending Lewis University.


Career Opportunities

A mathematics degree from Lewis University prepares students for a wide variety of careers in business, industry, government, or academics. Mathematical methods are increasingly employed in fields as diverse as finance, economics, biomedical research, management science, data analytics, computer science, and most technical and scientific disciplines. Employers like to hire math students because of their problem-solving skills, ability to abstract, attention to detail, and their ability to think about a problem in different ways. Some of our majors continue their education through graduate or professional schools, which prepares them for careers in fields such as college teaching, consulting, research and development, law, medicine, and business administration. Others take positions in government agencies, information management firms, industrial laboratories, and business organizations. All of them spend much time communicating with colleagues about the problems they are solving as they continue to learn more mathematics and share mathematical ideas with others. Because of mathematics’ interdisciplinary nature, students often increase their marketability by double majoring in mathematics and another discipline. Mathematical careers are often found at the top of lists for best “high-paying occupations,” “in-demand occupations,” and “occupations with flexible hours.” To support the broad academic and professional goals of our majors, we offer a wide variety of courses in both pure and applied mathematics including mathematical modeling, advanced statistics, numerical analysis, abstract algebra, and more.


Minor in Mathematics

By choosing a mathematics minor, students can strengthen their analytical and problem-solving skills while developing their understanding of complex mathematical concepts. Adding a mathematics minor allows students to customize their degree to fit their career goals and interests through a variety of foundational math courses and electives. The rich variety of mathematics courses offered at Lewis University provides students with the opportunity to experience topics in mathematics that are most useful in the physical sciences, engineering, business, and computer science. As such, a mathematics minor pairs well with majors in Accounting, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Data Science, Economics, Engineering, Finance, and Physics.


Transfer Students

Students who wish to transfer to Lewis University and major in either Mathematics or Computer Science should examine the major course requirements and major course descriptions carefully. A course title might have significantly different meaning and content at another college or university. Most transfer students who enroll at Lewis starting their junior year can complete the major in two years; however, if there are deficiencies, an additional semester of study may be required.