INSY-50100 Principles of Programming

This course provides an introduction to problem solving and algorithm design using C++ or Java. The following topics will be presented: program structure, data types, input/output, flow of control, sub-algorithms, and an introduction to classes.


INSY-50400 Quantitative Methods of Business

This course is a survey of quantitative methods as they apply to the problems of business management, marketing, finance and economics. This course involves study and analysis of numerous methods such as linear programming, forecasting, queuing models, inventory analysis and project planning and control methods. Students are also introduced to probability and statistical concepts, measurements of central tendency and regression and correlation analysis. Equivalent: Three semester hours of Business Statistics and three semester hours of Quantitative Methods for Business or Management Decision Science.

INSY-50500 Introduction to Information Security

This course provides a broad overview of the threats to the security of information systems, the responsibilities and basic tools for information security, and the levels of training and expertise needed in organizations to reach and maintain a state of acceptable security. Topics include an introduction to confidentiality, integrity, and availability; authentication models and protection models; security kernels; secure programming; intrusion detection and response; operational security issues; physical security issues; and personnel security. Additional topics include policy formation and enforcement; access controls and information flow; legal and social issues; identification and authentication in local and distributed systems; classification and trust modeling; and risk assessment.

INSY-50600 Current Topics in Information Technology

Current information technology topics are surveyed and analyzed. Hardware, software and communication systems used to process, store and transmit information is studied and analyzed. Students learn how to manage information technology in today’s network enterprises and global networks. Students read current print and electronic media articles in addition to text. Due to the dynamic nature of the computer field, there is no equivalent. Exceptions will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

INSY-51000 Data Networking

This course will cover fundamental concepts, principles, and practical issues relevant to the design, analysis, and implementation of enterprise-level trusted networked information systems. Topics include networking and security architectures and techniques and the protocols defined at the various layers of the Internet model.



CPSC 50000

INSY-52300 Computer Forensics

This course presents hands-on methods to conduct a Windows-based computer forensics investigation.  Students will gain an in-depth understanding of the tools and techniques used by computer forensics experts such as analysis of file structures, evidence imaging, data recovery, e-mail investigations, graphics investigations, registry analysis, password recovery and decryption of encrypted data.

INSY-52600 Network Forensics

This course presents hands-on techniques for conducting analysis of Network Intrusions and Cybercrime in an organization. This course discusses log file analysis, gathering evidence from all networked devices, and router forensics. It also covers principles and practice related to examination of internal and external cyber attacks, cybercrimes, e-mail crimes and violations, corporate espionage, copyright and trademark violations.  


INSY-52700 Mobile Device Forensics

This course presents hands-on techniques for recovering evidence, data and corporate assets from mobile devices such as Iphones, windows mobile phones, Android phones, Ipads, Tablet PCs and Ipods. The course discusses forensics acquisition, analysis and reporting of evidence retrieved from mobile devices.  Students will learn how to recover passwords, deleted voicemails, photos, and text messages, geotagged metadata from camera phones and data from various apps that run on mobile devices. 


INSY-52800 Malware Forensics

This course presents hands-on techniques for analyzing malware incidents in organizations. Students will use applications for identifying and preventing malware incidents, preserve data and control the propagation of malware on corporate networks. 



INSY 52300

INSY-53000 Legal & Ethical Issues in Information Security

Legal and ethical issues are important concepts in this field. This course covers the following topics: policy implications of the use of computers and in particular of the security of computers in modern society; fundamentals of American law with particular regard to the legal aspects of the use of computers and of computer security; the organization and use of the American legal system; ethical challenges in a technological environment; identification of organizations and materials that can be of assistance in resolving or responding to policy, legal, and ethical issues; and social and public policy issues pertaining to the commercial development, availability, and marketing of both software and hardware for encryption.

INSY-53600 Business Data Warehousing

This course introduces the foundations of data warehousing concepts. Business data warehouse development methodology and data warehouse planning stages are discussed. Identification of business requirements, feasibility analysis and development of logical data warehouse models will be discussed. The students will learn the development of the data architecture as well as the implementation and administration of the data warehouse.


INSY 59400

INSY-53800 Visualizing Information

The students will have an in-depth understanding of the visualization techniques for business data. Several data visualization techniques for improved decision making and problems solving will be discussed. The students will learn how to transform complex categorical data to equivalent easy to use visual representation. Current tools and development environments will be discussed.

INSY-54000 Data Mining for Business Decisions

This course is a hands-on study of the current data mining techniques for business decisions. The discussed methodology includes decision trees, rule based reasoning, neural networks, and cluster analysis. The techniques are demonstrated with data from finance, marketing, operations, economics and other disciplines.


INSY 67900

INSY-55000 Operations and Organization Security

This course discusses cyber-attacks and security practices that are used to protect individuals, organizations and the national infrastructure. The course will focus on 10 strategies organizations supporting national infrastructure should implement to improve security posture. The concepts discussed in this course are relevant to operations security of all organizations.



INSY 50500

INSY-55100 Information Security Strategies and Risk Management

This course covers the strategies, procedures and policies to manage and mitigate risk in information systems. It also covers risk analysis techniques that can be used to identify and quantify both accidental and malicious threats to computer systems within an organization. In addition to technical solutions, the course considers strategies and policies that will provide cost effective and highly secure systems.


INSY 50500

INSY-55200 IT Governance and Compliance

This course uses case studies to teach students how to implement an IT Governance process in a company using COBiT (Control Objectives for IT & related technology), align IT strategy with the business planning process, and monitor and measure the IT internal controls to meet internal and external compliance legislation like Sarbanes Oxley and FTC (Federal Trade Commission) requirements. The course will also introduce students to the planning and conducting of an IT Audit.


INSY 50600

INSY-55500 Security Assurance Principles

Security enforcement rests upon three principles: policy, mechanism, and assurance. Policy specifies the permitted use of an information system. The security policy defines the rules by which the trusted system governs access to its resources, and thus all information and services controlled by the trusted system. Mechanisms within the information system enforce the policy. Cryptographic protocols, audit logs, and access controls are examples of security mechanisms. Assurance is the basis for believing that the implementation of an information system enforces the policy as completely as necessary. This course investigates fundamental assurance technologies that can be applied to interface specifications, architectures, and implementations of information security mechanisms. Formal security models are discussed and applied. Formal and semiformal specification techniques are investigated and applied. Principles of testing are discussed and applied to demonstrative and vulnerability testing.


INSY 50500

INSY-55600 Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Planning

This course examines detailed aspects of incident response and contingency planning consisting of incident response planning, disaster recovery planning, and business continuity planning. Developing and executing plans to deal with incidents in the organization is a critical function of information security management. This course focuses on the planning processes for all three areas of contingency planning: incident response, disaster recovery and business continuity. The course also covers the execution of response to human and non-human incidents in compliance with organizational policies and contingency plans.

INSY-56200 Operations Management

This course focuses on competitiveness, with emphasis placed on the close coordination of business unit operational decision making and strategic planning. Topics covered include product process design, inventory management, quality management, forecasting and statistical quality control. Operations management is an interesting mix of managing people and applying sophisticated technology. The goal is to efficiently create wealth by supplying quality goods and services.


INSY 50400 and BSAD 50800

INSY-56400 Coordinating and Managing Supply Chains

This course focuses on operational coordination within a firm and gradually transitions to include inter-function, inter-firm and international coordination. Specific modules focus on retail operations and the role of supply chain intermediaries, for example, distributors and sourcing agents. The impact of incentives and market imperfections, and the changing impact of the Internet and other information technology on supply chain operations are emphasized.


INSY 56200

INSY-56600 Ethical Hacking

This course provides the student with theory and experience associated with ethical hacking - the practice of using the same skills employed by hackers with malicious intent to improve organizational information security. The successful protection of digital assets of an organization requires solid understanding of such techniques used by hackers to be better prepared against those kinds of attacks. Ethical hacking also requires performing a risk analysis for the particular organization as well as identifying the data, network and policy vulnerabilities. Firewalls and intrusion detection systems are examined from an ethical hacking perspective with focus on protecting digital assets.



INSY 50500 and INSY 59400

INSY-56900 Supply Chain Management Analytics

The students will learn the business analytic tools to help with supply chain optimization. The course introduces the techniques and the industry applications for strategic and operational issues of supply chain management. The course covers the data management practices for a globally connected business.

INSY-59100 Information Security Capstone: Management Concentration

This capstone course in the MSIS curriculum enables a student to integrate the expertise gained in all other courses in the development of an information security strategy. Through a series of assignments that simulate real-world information security threats and incidents, students will apply the key concepts from each MSIS course to design, develop and implement solutions that mitigate these threats. This course must be taken as the last course or in the final semester of the MSIS program.



Completion of at least 21 hours of credit within the program (including transfer credit) with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.

INSY-59300 Systems Analysis and Design

This course offers an in-depth study of computer-based information systems analysis and design methodology with detailed discussion of analytical tools for information systems and project management, including data flow diagrams, decision tables and systems flow charts. Students are expected to work on related course projects. Issues related to file-design and database management are discussed.


INSY 50600

INSY-59400 Database Management

This course is an introduction to database management systems. Fundamentals of database models are discussed. Designs and issues concerning storage, access and management of data and information are explored.


INSY 50600

INSY-59700 Information Security Certification Prep 1

Information Security Certification.

INSY-59710 Information Security Certification Prep 2

Information Security Certification.



Completion of 24 hours of credit in the program.

INSY-59900 Independent Study

This is an advanced course that enables students to carry out independent study under the supervision of a faculty member.