SCWK-61400 Advanced Child Welfare: An Overview of History and Practice

This course presents an overview of the continuum of care in child welfare practice, focusing on evidence-based processes to look comprehensively at child welfare services utilizing a culturally responsive and multi-systemic lends. The course focuses on the prevalence, etiology, and dynamics of child physical abuse, childhood neglect, child sexual abuse, and other forms of child maltreatment. This course examines the definitions, scope, and impact of violence and abuse in childhood. An examination of the historical foundations of child welfare is undertaken to contextualize current child welfare practices. Theories and conceptual frameworks used to explain violence are explored. Ethics, professionalism, and ethical dilemmas related to child welfare practice are examined. Strategies for culturally competent assessment and intervention with children, youth, and families involved with the child welfare system are presented, focusing on engaging families in assessment, service, and permanency planning. This course focuses on child welfare practice generally, and, as practiced in the State of Illinois specifically.

This is the first course in a two-semester course sequence: Advanced Child Welfare Practice in Applied Contexts is offered in the Spring. Successful completion of the two-semester sequence qualifies for the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services welfare certification program.
