SCWK-64000 Social Emotional Learning for School-Based Professionals

Social emotional learning (SEL) is an integral component of educational practices that lead to successful P-12 outcomes. This course is meant for multidisciplinary school-based pre-service professionals aiming to support and improve PK-12 educational success by integrating social and emotional learning and teaching practices within academic/school settings. Students will grow their professional leadership skills, including multidisciplinary approaches for inclusive school-based practices, to integrate and promote SEL in educational settings. This course focuses on SEL theory, implementation, and educational policies that relate to social, emotional, behavioral, functional and overall educational wellbeing across multiple tiers of support. SEL frameworks, core SEL competencies, cultural inclusiveness and relevance, trauma-responsiveness and restorative practices for schools will be addressed through an exploration of specific resources, current data/literature, and engaged learning experiences. Throughout the duration of the course, students will be asked to critically and intentionally reflect about their personal and professional positionalities as they relate to the significance of social emotional learning.




Must be taken simultaneously with a field or internship experience.