L5-301 Evidence Based Practice

This course provides an overview of evidence-based nursing practice. The focus is on the role of the baccalaureate nurse in the application to practice of various levels of evidence, with an emphasis on research evidence. Evidence will be evaluated in the context of professional expertise and client preferences

3 credit(s)


RN/BSN track student; L5306, L5312, L6303

L5-306 Concepts of Professional Nursing

The professional identity of the individual nurse and the position of the nursing profession in the health care system and society are explored in this course. Emphasis is placed on critical inquiry to evaluate practice and accountability for leadership in the pursuit of safety, quality, and improved outcomes for patients and populations. Concepts relevant to the practice of nursing in a global society, such as professionalism, professional values, the image of nursing, inter-professional communication and collaboration, resource allocation, and practice in a diverse environment are addressed.

4 credit(s)


RN/BSN track student, LN 111.

L5-312 Health Assessment/Health Promotion

This course utilizes concepts from the liberal arts and sciences to provide holistic health assessment across the lifespan. Emphasis is placed on the development of leadership skills in critical thinking, diagnostic reasoning, and critical inquiry for the safe provision of quality care across the populations.

3 credit(s)


RN/BSN track student and L5-306.

L5-340 Pharmacotherapeutics for the Registered Nurse

This course is designed to meet the needs of the registered nurses seeking to strengthen their knowledge of pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics.  Pharmacologic information is presented using a physiologic and systems approach with an emphasis on evidence based practice.  Selected drug categories are discussed using professional experiences as a framework to promote clinical reasoning and professional judgment.

3 credit(s)


L5-306 and L2 270