LJ-300 Introduction to Applied Sociology and Political Science

Current cases or events provide the context for introducing the principles and methods of social science research. Research methods include observation, case studies, and experimentation, with a special emphasis on understanding survey research. Practical applications of data analysis are also introduced. Recommended as the first course in the sequence.


LJ-320 Conflict, Cooperation and Mediation

This course addresses the causes of conflict, violence and war. Not only do students learn why people fight, they also learn about how to make conflict into opportunities for making friends and building alliances. The analyses range from the interpersonal level to the global level.


LJ-330 Political Socialization

This course examines the learning process, which leads to acquiring beliefs, attitudes and values. Emphasis is placed on the agents of socialization, such as the family, peers and the mass media. Influences of these agents are traced throughout the life cycles.


LJ-340 Gender and Society

Students will examine the social aspects of being male or female. This course addresses how personal development, socialization, career selection, leadership and sexuality differ for males and females, and whether these gender differences are diminishing.


LJ-350 Public Opinion and Behavior

This course examines political/community opinion in American politics. It analyzes the opinions that average citizens hold about politics. Focus is placed on opinion formation and opinion change. Forms of political/community participation are also analyzed.


LJ-360 Social Deviance and Control

Students in this course examine the causes deviant behavior, and address the question of who, if anyone, benefits from deviance. In addition, the students learn how society has attempted to prevent and control deviance, and address the question if rehabilitation possible. Both criminal and non-criminal forms of deviant behavior are examined.


LJ-370 Politics of the Mass Media

This course investigates the connection between mass media and politics. The political/community functions served by the media, the power of the media and the political/community regulation of the media are some of the topics discussed.


LJ-380 Sociology of Careers and the Emerging Workplace

This course examines which job opportunities are available, and what they offer. Students will learn which skills people need to work successfully with others, and what leads to job satisfaction. In addition, the students learn about how new technologies creating career opportunities.


LJ-390 Political Sociology

Students will examine political/community participation, especially voting behavior, from a sociological perspective. Emphasis is placed on sociological determinants of voting behavior, such as social class, income, education and other demographics.


LJ-399 Independent Study in Applied Sociology and Political Science

The student and instructor work in a one-to-one relationship. This course may include research on a specific sociological or political/community topic, reading in a specific area or both.



Consent of the instructor.